Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Southampton, N.Y., July 2006

A collection of shells on a shelf at my friend Pam's house. Seems to capture the spirit of a holiday weekend, right?

I went to see "Superman Returns” yesterday. Despite the laughably outdated idea of a caped “man of steel” who can leap tall buildings in a single bound, it was good. The preternaturally beautiful Brandon Routh does a capable job, and I certainly never felt like he had too much screen time. (He could just stand there, and I’d pay money to watch.) Kevin Spacey chews the scenery as the psycho-villainous Lex Luthor, and Parker Posey is a standout as his moll with a heart. All in all, worth my $10.50.

Last night, I went down to the corner and watched the fireworks over the East River. I'm on Third Avenue, so I couldn't see them unobstructed, but I actually liked watching them blossom in the sky beyond the buildings of the city. There were little knots of people on the corner and on rooftops, and it was neat to share the festivities with everyone.

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