Sunday, July 2, 2006

Southampton, N.Y., October 2005

This photo is from last fall, but I'm posting it today because I'm in Southampton this weekend, visiting my friends Pam and Bryan and their daughter Amanda. This building was in downtown Southampton, apparently awaiting renovation. It has a kind of "Grey Gardens" feel, don't you think?

Last night we had a barbecue with some of Pam's friends. The cocktail for the evening was straight tequila, sipped alternately with "sangrita," a mixture of Clamato, fresh orange juice and some spices. I've seen Clamato on store shelves and always wondered what the heck a person would do with such a bizarre product. Now I know! I'm not particularly a tequila fan, but they were interesting drinks.

This morning I sat out on the deck behind Pam and Bryan's house, watching huge blue jays swoop and argue through the wind-whipped oaks.

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