Tuesday, March 6, 2007

El Jobean, Florida, March 2007

I was driving along in my rental car on Sunday when I saw this shadow on the wall of the Frosted Mug restaurant in El Jobean, a wide place in the road between Englewood and Port Charlotte. I pulled right over to take a picture, much to the amusement of a woman yakking on her cell phone in the parking lot.

I almost never ride in a car - not even taxis, because they're expensive - and until this weekend I hadn't driven in months. I'm amazed at the ease with which car rental agencies willingly give me a car! But once I get behind the wheel, all the driving skills come right back. It's pretty amazing how the brain works - all those reflexive motions are stored up in my neurons somewhere, and everything fires just right so I remember to signal and watch my blind spots. (Well, as much as any of us can ever see our blind spots!)

I don't miss owning a car, but they do feel wildly luxurious to me now. The fact that you can get in and go ANYWHERE, door to door, just blows this subway traveler's mind. So I had a lot of fun with my little rental, stopping whenever I wanted for whatever photos struck my fancy.

And now, back in New York, we actually had a snowstorm yesterday! It was the weirdest snowstorm I'd ever seen - heavy flurries whitened the sky, and then suddenly it was clear and sunny, and then we had MORE flurries. Now it's incredibly windy and 14 degrees. Which makes the photo all the more appealing.

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