Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Recovery

I'm spending Sunday morning at Dave's, recovering from a dinner party we had last night for Dave's friend Kellee, who's visiting from Michigan. Our friends Adam and Stephanie came too, and the kitchen was a whirlwind of gourmet activity -- gazpacho to start, chicken paillard, celery root gratin, and chocolate mousse for dessert. I made my special broccoli rabe side dish, which seemed to go over well, though it needed some salt.

The chicken paillard no doubt annoyed the neighbors -- it involved pounding chicken with the back of a frying pan. I'm sure they thought we were building a new wall in the apartment!

Just taking it easy today. I'm not sure whether I'm going back to the city today or tomorrow. (Again, my compelling reason to get back is the cat.) I have this coming week off from work, which is a GREAT feeling, and I'll be spending it partly in "Joisey" and partly in the Big Apple.

(Photo: Fluffy's Laundromat, Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, March 2009)


  1. A week off...woo hoo! Take things easy and enjoy your vacation.

  2. You are becoming quite the gourmet cook! There is a special heavy meat pounder that might not make as much noise as a frying pan. We have used it for veal and chicken.

    I hope you enjoy your week of freedom. I think you are just going to have to introduce Armenia to Ernie and Ruby so you can eliminate some of the commuting and your guilt over leaving her home alone!

  3. Live it up, Steve! Woo hoo!

    Oh. Just noticed Merle said the same thing.

    Your dinner sounds absolutely delicious. I'm so happy you're eating so well these days and that the era of canned soup is a thing of the past.

    Enjoy your vacation, Steve.

  4. I'll be the third person to say "woo hooo!!!" It sounds, based on a quick perusal after a long absence, as if you are doing very well these days, which I am delighted to hear (that menu sounds amazing -- I am no longer doing the vegan thing and would have loved the chicken paillard). Thank you also for still checking my blog. I am going to attempt to be a little more consistent in posting, now that I have settled into the new job and have gotten over the most bitter part of my grief for Helen.
