Friday, December 28, 2012


This is what you get when a four-year-old dresses herself -- schizophrenic feet with multiple personalities!

The four-year-old is my friend Cherie's daughter. Dave and I met up with Cherie and her family for lunch yesterday at a Tampa pub -- which seemed really funny and yet somehow appropriate for two visiting Londoners. (Am I a Londoner or a Tampanian? I'm not really sure at this point.)

After visiting Cherie, Dave and I drove to my dad's, where we're staying for the next few days. My dad is a committed animal lover, and at one point he and my stepmother had about six dogs and about sixteen* cats. One by one, nearly all those animals have given up the ghost -- their last dogs recently died and they're down to just one of their old cats.

So my dad went to the pound and adopted Maybelline, who's playing with her plastic egg toy above. Maybelline is a bundle of energy, and she loves that egg. She chases it all over the yard. Doesn't she look proud to have finally caught it?

*Dad says they had eleven cats, not sixteen. But it sure seemed like sixteen!


  1. Maybelline is awesome. Don't forget they have a new cat that lives in the back half of the house too. Crazy people.

  2. Yeah, I haven't even met that new cat yet!

  3. I can't get past the delicious fashion statement of the shoes and socks.

  4. Those socks & shoes are a real game of cat-and-mouse.

  5. haha what Nancy said! YES! Little kids always know how to dress well and cheerfully! LOVE it. The pooch is very pleased, I can see! To clarify- you are a Londoner...

  6. She is totally rocking those shoes and socks!

  7. Love the cat shoes and mouse socks! She has real fashion sense, that little one.

  8. I think you're still a New Yorker.

    Love the shoes and socks!

    And Maybelline too of course.

  9. Aren't they great shoes and socks? I especially love the sequins. Nancy, I didn't even think of the cat-and-mouse connection -- brilliant!

    Linda Sue and Reya, I think I am indeed more Londoner or New Yorker than Tampanian. :)

  10. Uhm, just checking back in and notice the band-aid on her ankle? Another fashion statement!
