Monday, December 3, 2012

The Airport Schlep

I love this storefront. It usually has a phalanx of cars parked out front, making photography impossible. I got lucky on Saturday!

Busy day yesterday. I took David to the airport, in order to help him with his baggage. He had a big, heavy suitcase and two overstuffed carry-ons, plus a few odds and ends like a rolled-up poster. He could have managed, I'm sure, but I wanted to help out and also make sure he made the tube transfers without a problem.

If there's one thing I've learned while traveling, it's to pack light -- as some of you know, I'm a little fanatical about it. I think it's a good rule of thumb for life in general as well! The less stuff, the better!

Dave and I went to see "Argo" yesterday afternoon. It was very suspenseful and we liked it, though the ending seemed a bit too neat for my taste. I don't remember that episode of American history at all. I remember the Iranian Hostage Crisis, obviously, but I don't remember that a handful escaped -- and apparently they did make news at the time.

There are still several other movies I want to catch -- "The Master" and "Silver Linings Playbook" among them. Then, last night, we watched "Southland," which I recently discovered showing on TV here (did I write about this already?) and we downloaded Season 1 of "Homeland." I'm trying to keep up with my pop culture!


  1. I can never pack light. I suck at packing. I pack everything that fits me. Then, when I get to where I'm going, I have nothing I want to wear.
    This is one of the reasons I hate traveling.
    But I like to travel via your photos. Thank-you. No packing required.

  2. great neon action.

    i enjoyed argo....i don't think at the time anyone knew of that story - think only after it was declassified did the story of the 6 get out....

    pack light is always my goal, but unfortunately it is so hard to accomplish.

    i love traveling despite always overpacking!

  3. What a great storefront this is! I like it.
    I also like your comment about packing light. Next time I go to Europe, I swear I'm only taking a backpack and camera shoulder bag.

  4. Forgot to say I not familiar with either Southland or Homeland. Hmm, am I missing something?
