Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Olga Scare

We had a bit of a scare with Olga last night. She came home from her walk very late -- about 6:30 p.m., which is unheard of. (She's normally home by 3.) Her walker blamed the delay on bad traffic and an accident, but in retrospect it seems unlikely that would take three and a half extra hours. Unless the accident was theirs. So who knows?

Anyway, the scare wasn't from her lateness -- it was because almost as soon as she got home she began acting strangely. After her typically bounding greeting, she got up on the couch and began nodding like a heroin user. Her head would sink and she would quiver, and the light seemed to hurt her eyes -- she was blinking strangely. She couldn't seem to fall asleep at first, but finally she curled up and we put a blanket over her, and she did sleep. Dave and I went to bed at about 10, and I had to go get her from the couch when I woke up at 2:30 a.m. and bring her to bed.

She's asleep at the foot of the bed now, as I write this. She seemed a bit more normal this morning, for the brief moment she was awake, but I won't know for sure until I walk her before I leave for work.

I was worried she'd gotten into some poison or hazardous food, knowing her habit of being a canine vacuum cleaner while out and about. But Dave thinks she's just exhausted by the disruption to her routine this weekend -- the visit from Adam and Tim, plus her long walk Sunday. If that's the case, I have never seen her so tired. Is our dog already showing her age?

Speaking of Adam and Tim, they left yesterday around noon for the flight home. Last night I cleaned up the house and today I'm shlepping sheets and towels to the laundry, on my way to work.

(Photo: Funky architecture in Southwark.)


  1. That time gap is very suspicious. I would look there for an explanation. Who knows what can have happened? I hope Olga recovers soon.

  2. It sounds as though she had eaten chocolate

  3. I'd go with John's theory. Why do dogs love chocolate so much, even though it is incredibly bad for them?

  4. Poor old Olga! She was probably used as a sexual plaything in the bushes by a big butch Yorkshire terrier called Bert. I hope she is okay. The walker's excuse seems unreasonable to me.

  5. Have a word with her vet...the whole thing sounds odd...

  6. I'm looking forward to hearing that Olga has bounced back and is her old self.

  7. Poor Olga, I hope she recovers quickly. I would want a much better account of what happened from the dog walker. What a worry.

  8. Our canine friends can sometimes give us things to worry about. They can't tell us what's wrong.

  9. something sounds fishy to me...i agree with others, check it out!!!

  10. Oh my that is scary. I hope she is all better today. I've grown to love that dog and I haven't even met her.

  11. Maybe take her for a check up with the vet. And press her dog walker for details. We're all invested in Olga's well being here!

  12. what 37 Paddington said, something does not sound right and I think it is the walker...sometimes people forget to pay attention, having experienced a walk with you and Olga, we noticed that she does require paying attention. She is like a toddler.

  13. It is such a worry when our non-human friends seem to have a problem of any kind. I hope all is well.

  14. well, I agree with everyone else! sounds suspicious. if she isn't better today I would take her for a check up. on that note, my Minnie pooped in the house with very loose stool right behind me, as if she couldn't get out the door which is propped open for her fast enough. now she is lethargic. guess I'll be taking her in tomorrow if she isn't better by then.

  15. I agree on all counts, take her to the vet and have her checked out. You know her better than anybody else and you know when something is not right. It doesn't sound right to me either. Hope she checks out fine!

  16. I'm anxious for a report to see how Olga is doing. We all love that dog!
