Thursday, November 24, 2016

Last-Minute Floor Mopping

This picture shows our purple "Amistad" sage, which is just about the last flower blooming in our garden at this point. It even survived that frost we had a few weeks ago. It's a perennial but it will eventually die back, too.

Dave and I are off to Copenhagen this morning, and I still have to pack. I'm also racing around trying to get the house into shape for the dog-sitter. It's funny how you don't really see certain forms of dirt until you know someone else is coming over. Then you think, "My god, that dog has tracked a lot of garden mud onto this floor!"

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!


  1. Have a lovely trip to Copenhagen Steve.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving and have a great time.

  3. have fun and on't worry about about a little dirt.

  4. What a vibrant beautiful blue. What's the flowering season? I would love that in my garden. Hope you both have a wonderful time in Copenhagen. And as Ellen said 'don't worry about a little dirt'. Perhaps those 2 sentiments didn't exactly go together. My brain is dying. Have a great Thanksgiving. Sending you loads of peaceful and happy thoughts. I love your blog.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving and have a marvelous holiday!

  6. Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen. And all that.


  7. "Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen" and all the best that Brubeck can bring.
