Thursday, December 1, 2016

Frosty the Dog Walkers

Temperatures were below freezing yesterday morning when Dave and I got up. The garden plants were silvery with frost, and the windows of our neighbors' cars were covered with criss-crossed patterns like trails left by tiny ice skaters.

Dave didn't work yesterday because he had some follow-up medical appointments related to his hospitalization earlier this year. (No great surprises, fortunately; just more tests and monitoring.) One side effect of his staying home is that both of us could walk Olga in the morning, which we never get to do together.

This was the sunrise view over the nearby tennis club. Those houses on the right are actually on our street; they're the back side of the ones across the street from us. If you can picture that.

Anyway, we had a good walk and I got to show Dave the morning routine that Olga and I share, which was kind of fun. Then I was off to work, where later in the morning I got another walk -- to the bank, to get change for our lost-book cash drawer.

In the evenings, having finished "The Crown," Dave and I have moved on to "Eyewitness," a crime drama from the USA network featuring a gay subplot. I read about it on another blog and I like the show, but Dave is a little lukewarm about it. (He's a tough critic.) So last night we tried "Firefly," the science fiction show from about 15 years ago that's most famous for having been prematurely canceled. We'll probably be watching those shows for the foreseeable future! (And hopefully I can continue to squeeze in episodes of "The Wire," but Dave really doesn't like that, so I have to wait for nights when he's not around or otherwise occupied!)

Marriage -- it's mainly about compromise on TV viewing and food!


  1. You seem to watch quite a bit of TV for entertainment, why don't the two of you join a rugby union team instead - with training sessions two nights a week and matches at the weekend? You could be the prop and Dave the hooker. See

  2. I love Firefly!!! I have a boxed set of all the episodes, even the ones that weren't aired before it was canceled. once you gone through all the episodes you'll have to watch the movie Serenity because that is sort of the wrap up of the series.

  3. I love that sunrise photo! I must be so out of the loop on network television series. I haven't heard Eyewitness or Firefly. I did start to watch a science fiction series called "The 100" but, I haven't decided if I like it or not. Maybe the next episode will push me one way or the other.

  4. Another great post title! I have to admit, I'm a "title and label" fan :)

    We've skipped the frost and gone directly to snow/rain/snow here. It's not nearly as pretty and there have been a lot of road accidents as people learn to winter-drive again.

  5. haha, love your take on marriage. don't forget navigating the covers on the bed.

  6. I hope Dave's medical check turns out fine. Nice sunrise with the fence in the foreground.

  7. That's an advantage of having separate bedrooms and three t.v.'s, counting the one in the living room.

  8. Firefly and The Wire are both awesome. And yes, only watch Serenity after you are done with Firely, even the episodes that did not air.

    The 100 is great too.

  9. I love Firefly too! That Nathan Fillion is the best (and he does evil pretty well too - from Buffy the Vampire Slayer).
