Monday, December 5, 2016

Thank Goodness

Olga came home yesterday morning from her overnight trial stay with her new dog-sitter. Apparently she passed with flying colors. We hear there was some growling with another dog over the possession of a stick, but that seems to be the extent of her anti-social behavior.

So we have successfully enlisted the dog-sitter to care for her during Christmas break. Whew!

When she got home I was in the middle of a whirl of housework -- laundry and vacuuming and bathroom cleaning. I finished all that and spent some time reading and catching up on minor errands. Then, about 1 p.m., we went for a walk on the Heath.

The sky was crystal clear and there was still frost in the fields. The light was an incredible golden color -- the color of approaching evening, even though it was early afternoon. Olga seemed to enjoy it.

We headed home when the sun left the forest floor, settling in the treetops. The outing was a good return to routine for Olga -- and for me!

Speaking of the dog-sitter saga, I did finally find some news coverage about the death of our previous dog boarder. Sounds like no one is sure what happened. A sad story, although, as I've written before, our relationship with her was rocky at best. (Apparently we were not alone.)


  1. Suspicion still surrounds Lucy Kennedy's untimely death. Police are eager to speak with a man of average build with a skinhead haircut and a shifty demeanour. He is believed to be of North American descent and is probably in hiding somewhere in west London. He has a distinctive "Make America Great Again" tattoo on his buttocks.If seen, the public are advised not to approach him but to immediately contact West Hampstead police on 07920 233766

  2. For Olga's sake I hope that your ability to suss vibes is honed, especially after awful Lucy! Wonderful shots of Olga in her happy place! The light is wonderful! I came home to dark colorless rain filled very cold spiritless Bellingham. Bummed much? oh yes, I am.

  3. YP: I hope everyone understands your sense of humor!

    Linda Sue: I don't think she was awful. I think she was one of those people who's better with animals than with other humans. Despite what some of the posters on Yelp say, I never saw any evidence that she and her workers didn't treat Olga well. Sorry you're bummed to be back in the 'Ham!

  4. Weirdness. And you sure did pick up on that.

  5. I love that photo of Olga rolling on the greeny green grass. Such joy!

  6. Gorgeous photos! I'm glad Olga passed muster :)

  7. It's a worry
    I shall worry about William and Mary in the kennels when we are in Kent. George is going to my sisters house so will be happy as Larry.
    Winnie like I told you will be fine too

  8. Your photos of Olga on the Heath are so gorgeous. That is a very strange case about the dog kennel lady.

  9. That gorgeous late-afternoon early-evening light is called "sweetlight," according to my sister the photographer. Lovely word, isn't it? Oh wait, you're a photographer -- you probably already knew.

  10. Beautiful weather! It's nice to get bright sunshine after lots of cloud and drizzle.

  11. Routine can be the most wonderful thing.

    Your former dog-sitter was on The Apprentice?!! I think it would take a certain mindset to have agreed to do that ... even then. I always wondered why anyone would sign up for the alternating highs and abusive lows on that show. You'll notice I DID watch it - it was back when my kids were at home and it was something they watched so I did, too. Which was a help, really, in trying to assess Mr T's behavior.

    It must be a huge relief to have the Christmas care sorted out. Sounds like a good place; well done.

  12. fabulous trees in the second picture down. it will be interesting to learn what caused her death.

  13. My wife has taught me that that late afternoon sunshine is known as "the sweet light." Possibly named that by landscape photographers. And yes, in spite of what Yorkshire Pudding wrote, I'd say the dog lady's death should be treated with suspicion.

  14. Olga is certainly happy outside...oh, that dog...she makes me smile! As for the dog lady, I hope they can determine what happened.

  15. Maybe something will come out in the post-mortem. Any'ow you have a sitter for Christmas and that's the important thing.


  16. I had not heard the term "sweet light," so thanks Blondi and Catalyst for pointing that out! (Or maybe I heard it at some point in the past and just forgot it -- who knows.) Anyway, it's a good term, and yesterday's light definitely WAS sweet.

  17. I love those feather covered shops! And those environmental portraits of Olga show her regal side, well, except the one rolling in the grass with abandon. Glad you have a new dog sitter but how weird about the demise of your old one. I admit I was amused to hear Olga passed the dog sitter test, and I had assumed the dog sitter was the one being tested, not Olga. As always, I love seeing London through your eyes. I am even thinking the man and I should do a jaunt across the pond sometime. This is entirely due to the way your posts have revised my view of that city where I spent the least favorite year of my childhood. One must always be willing to evolve, so thank you for facilitating that.
