Thursday, June 29, 2017

Lots of iPhotos

As usual, my iPhone has been collecting random photos over the past few weeks...

First, some dramatic light and shadow on a recent morning when I was walking the dog behind the housing estate near our flat.

This is from a tube advertisement for a life insurance and investments company. I'm guessing most Scottish Widows don't look like that, though.

This was a student art project photographed at school -- a straight-on representation of a blowfish. Awesome!

I love reading on our garden bench, beneath our Japanese maple, because I get such great shadows on the pages of my books!

Remember the volunteer hellebore that got cut down and paved over during our sidewalk repairs a few months back? Well, darned if it didn't come up again from the roots. You can't keep a good hellebore down!

These posters popped up along Finchley Road during the recent election. "Enough is enough," Theresa May famously said after the incidents of terrorism we experienced during the spring. The posters, obviously by a Labour supporter, turn her own words against her.

And speaking of leftist politics, the Grenfell Tower disaster has raised questions about class and the mistreatment (or disregard) for public housing tenants. These posters appeared in Bloomsbury, publicizing a political meeting about the incident.

Every time I go to our friend Sally's house I'm envious of her collection of beautiful old children's books.

Finally, Olga and I came across some huge hollyhocks along a public path near the cemetery on Sunday. We have a few in our garden but they aren't this big!


  1. Oh, I have such book envy....As for the recent fire, I think it is a political and class issue and that is a pertinent question...Love me some cute dog, too...

  2. Thanks for sharing these random pictures Steve. Most interesting. I smiled about the shadows on your book. Most people focus on the printed words - not the shadows! But I guess you're crazy that way. Right? (That last question is a Reedism)

  3. I love every one of these iPhoto shots! It's so nice to have these candid and unposed little windows into your life. I adore that blowfish. The books- sigh with love for them. The holly hocks! The Scottish Widow cracks me up! She's so...seductive. And of course the shadow and light upon the book's pages.

  4. I would love to look at Sally's bookshelf to see what titles are there. I did read Huck Finn as a kid , but I read the jungle book as an adult.

  5. what a wonderful collection of photos! Are those band names of those posters...Gogo Penguin, Horse Meat Disco, Egyptian Lover, Mall Grab...?

  6. I remember seeing that Scottish Widows poster when I was there and I actually thought it was advertising a TV show or a movie. Seeing those posters makes me think about what we are going through right now while our Republican led government wants to cut healthcare for the elderly and poor so they can give a huge tax break to the rich. I listen to one or two of them on the news in the evening trying to justify their stance.
    Those books are fantastic! The photo reminds me of being a little kid in my grandfather's apartment. He had book shelves that looked just like that.

  7. I love hollyhocks - I need to add them to my (growing) list of things I want Mike to plant :)

  8. I love all the photos, but especially your friend's collection of vintage children's books. I love searching for old books like that, especially cookbooks, in thrift stores.

  9. Love all these photos. Such a nice walk through your iPhone wanderings! I'm so glad you photographed that hollyhock. We've been seeing one on our walks here lately, and I couldn't remember the name. Thank you for that!

  10. The blowfish is awesome :) I like random photos, especially when they are taken by someone who knows what makes an interesting one!

  11. I think my favorite photo is that of the children's books, which I really, really love. Ironic, since I'm heartlessly purging exactly that here at home. But I did spot the set of A.A.Milne that we have here - and which I'm keeping.

  12. These are great! I especially love the blowfish (that kid has real talent!) and the sun dappled book.

  13. so jealous of your friend's books, what a wonderful shelf!

  14. I love your friend Sally's display of children's books, too! And the Grenfell towers blaze -- what a fucking nightmare. It never ends -- and I am anguished by what it takes to bring attention to these age-old problems.

  15. These are wonderful photos, Steve. (I just had to go back and put a "d" in "wonderful". The first time I just typed wonerful. As in "Wonerfel, wonerfel, Myron."

  16. The blowfish is brilliant! I'd like that on my bathroom wall.
