Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Resort Life in Nha Trang

Dave and I flew yesterday to Nha Trang, a beach town in southern Vietnam. We're staying at a ridiculously plush resort south of the city on the South China Sea.

A driver picked us up at the airport, along with another British couple who clearly bought the same holiday we did, as they've been on every leg of our trip so far, staying in all the same hotels. We've befriended them and had dinner together a few nights.

On the ride in from the airport, we listened to a Muzak version of "House of the Rising Sun" as we swept past one gigantic resort hotel after another. Clearly this part of the country is being developed to suck up the tourist dollars. (I found the music poignant, as that is a Vietnam War-era song that no doubt rode the airwaves here during the conflict.)

I am not really a plush resort kind of person, but I gotta say, this is pretty darn comfortable. Our hotel is called "L'Anam," which was the French name for this part of Vietnam, and it has a colonial motif, with lots of dark wood and ceiling fans. Above was the view last night from the hotel bar, were I had a martini that contained too much vermouth but still satisfied.

This morning I woke up early and took a sunrise walk along the beach. I went from our resort southward toward a public beach where there were lots of Vietnamese out swimming.

The beach in front of our hotel is clearly swept regularly, as it is pristine and litter-free. But farther south, lots of interesting stuff has washed up, like this trap -- for crab or lobster, I'm guessing?

There was also some Vietnamese "Not Allowed Area" tape, hopefully not meant to apply to me...

...as well as a curious face mask.

I'm taking a day to lounge around and rest, and then I hope to get into Nha Trang proper and check out the town. We're staying here for five nights, and before long I'm going to need to get out and see some real life.

Meanwhile, Dave and I have massages included as part of our package, and we're scheduled for those this afternoon!


  1. Like you I am not usually into upmarket accommodation but your present location looks so lovely and so peaceful. Enjoy it while it lasts. Tomorrow please do NOT go into graphic detail about the massage. What happens in Nha Trang stays in Nha Trang.

  2. I enjoyed seeing what the ocean gave up and swept ashore. What an amazing adventure you are on.

  3. oh my gosh, five nights,, now that will be rough, lol,, NOT!!!

  4. More interesting photos...Enjoy your massage!

  5. Hey- every now and then it's right and proper and wonderful to be able to relax into comfort and beauty.
    Looks like that's what you're doing.
    Enjoy every second, okay?

  6. I like your comments that refer back to the Viet Nam war.

  7. That looks like a gorgeous place to stay and you have five wonderful nights to enjoy it. Good for you. After spending 7 days at a vacation resort in Newport, I can certainly relate to how nice it is to get up every morning with a view of the ocean. I didn't indulge in a massage though, so good for you for taking advantage of that.

  8. What a beautiful place to stay for 5 nights. Such a view. I love what you see on your walks. Even the beach detritus is interesting. Enjoy every peaceful and beautiful moment there.

  9. Oh my, that resort looks fabulous. Resort person or not, you shouldn't have too hard a time enjoying yourself in that setting.

  10. what a fabulous trip! you did pick up that mask, right?

  11. While you are living in the lap of luxury, a hydroelectric dam has collapsed in southern Laos with thousands of people out of their homes. Better stay where you are! I presume you will fly back to Hanoi to return to England.

  12. That is quite a beautiful resort. Enjoy every minute of it. I look forward to your explore of the town.

  13. beautiful but the plastic on the beach is worrying

  14. It's nice to go the luxury route for at least part of a vacation.

    You are really making the most of this time and seeing a lot of different areas.

  15. It looks fantastic. I find that as I get older, I'm totally into the luxury thing or at least as close to luxury as possible.

  16. Well THAT looks fabulous! I think I'd enjoy it just fine even without any real life :)
