Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Lying in the Leaves

We are finally having some inclement weather -- gusty winds and spatters of rain. Not really showers, which we need, but it's better than nothing. The winds have been blowing the loose petals out of the cherry trees, which are finishing up their blooming cycle, and there are big pink drifts on the sidewalks.

The primroses on our front porch have been looking fairly sad lately, so I walked up to Homebase yesterday morning and picked up a few trays of annuals. I also got a hanging basket of those "Night Sky" petunias I like, with the dark purple petals speckled with white, star-like dots.

On the way to Homebase, as I was passing the railroad tracks, I saw this:

I've seen similar "locks of love" in various famous places around the world, but I don't ever recall finding them in my own neighborhood. What does it say about a relationship when someone puts locks on a crap piece of fencing along the railroad tracks behind Homebase? I believe they're in Korean. Maybe Vivian can translate.

Anyway, this is the front porch now -- a pot of marigolds and something called Mimulus, or monkeyflower, which I've never bought before.

Here's a monkeyflower close-up. I also bought some gazanias for the back garden because I was so happy with the ones we got last summer. I didn't throw away the primroses because they'll bloom again next year -- I just moved them to the back patio.

I took Olga to the Heath in the afternoon, but she wasn't super-energetic and we didn't do our full Heath walk -- just a bit of rambling through the woods on the West Heath. We've run out of her anti-inflammatory meds so I think her arthritis is bothering her a bit.

If you're ready for the most boring one-minute Olga video in the world, you can watch her lying in the leaves and keeping an eye on things, above. Fair warning -- there's a bit of barking at the end, so adjust your volume accordingly!


  1. "What does it say about a relationship when someone puts locks on a crap piece of fencing along the railroad tracks behind Homebase?", you ask.

    It means that love is where it falls. Often in the most unlikely places - and a leveller of humanity. "Love is where it falls". It's such a dreamy sentence, indeed sentiment. And true. And painful at times. And not just applicable to relationships of the "romantic" kind.

    Those locks are like the carvings in park benches and trees of olden days; rings exchanged either in friendship or when nailed to the altar. What I question is what the lock says as a SYMBOL. Frankly, I don't like it. I don't like it on the same grounds I don't like prison.

    Are you sure it's Olga slowing down the pace? Or are you projecting? :)

    Sun is shining,

  2. I've often wondered if someone who has put lovelocks somewhere returns with a bolt cutter when the relationship ends in tears.

    It was interesting to see Olga looking around at whatever.

    Those pink petals will soon turn brown and then a decayed mess. Such is the cycle of nature.

  3. I have been able to use Google Translate to decipher Olga's barks near the end of the video clip. What she was saying is this - "For Christ's sake Steve, put that ****ing camera away!"

  4. Lovely shot with the petals.
    Don't let the Mimulus seed..it WILL go everywhere!!

  5. I can't stand locks as symbols of love. I see them as vandalism. That first photo is excellent! Well, all the photos are (even the one of those damned locks). But the first is so artsy! I love monkey flower. It's a great in-ground garden plant that spreads easily. Maybe not ideal for your back garden. Still beautiful. You know how I feel about Olga. I was impressed she let you film without barking. I should have known!

  6. Nothing says love like a lock on a fence?

    But love is Olga sitting in the leaves, and then barking her love!

  7. Yes, it's Korean and the writing is clearest on the big lock, and it's the names of two people . The top name is Oh Som Eun, and the bottom name looks like a nickname, Hwe Hwe.

    I detest these locks, too. But that's odd, to put locks on a railroad bridge. That doesn't seem very romantic.

    And about your Night Sky Petunias: Good choice of flower! Congratulations, you are now ARMY. That's the unofficial flower of the BTS fandom, because it's purple and represents their song "Mikrokosmos", which they did at the end of all their stadium concerts in 2019, the last time they were on tour.

  8. Perhaps the love locks are today's version of carving lovers' initials in a tree. Who knows?
    Not me.
    I don't know anything today except that when I watched the video and saw Olga carefully observing something out of camera range, I wondered what she was thinking about. Was she deciding whether or not it was worth it to get up and investigate? Or was she just interested in watching?
    Too bad she can't tell us.

  9. Love the photo of the petals.
    I don't understand the whole lock and love thing. I can't imagine what it must be like to be young these days.

  10. Was Olga telling you to put the camera away? I bet she was. I love those pink petals piled up and those monkeyflowers.

  11. Minnie determines the length of our walks.sometimes it's the long walk, sometimes the short walk, and sometimes in between.

    and I love that top photo all black and white with the pink drift.

  12. When I was stacking stone, I found one carved with initials. It was a heavy one but I lugged it over and set it carefully in place. I brushed it off and left it to watch sunsets. I wonder about j and m and hope they are still holding hands somewhere.

  13. The first photo is cool! I enjoyed the video of Olga - I would like to just relax in the grass without feeling lazy or itchy! What a life!

  14. The drift of petals on that checkerboard sidewalk make for a striking picture. And I enjoyed the Olga video. Her whole body was involved in those barks! You have a very steady hand on the camera. I'd have been all over the place.

  15. The monkey flowers are quite pretty. Olga looks quite comfortable lying in the leaves. Have fun with your new plants. Hugs, Edna B.

  16. Like other commenters, I don't like the definition of love as symbolized by locks. Ugh. Not my style at all.

  17. Olga Girl Working Those Ears - And All I Heard Was - Biscuit , Please , Uncle T , Seriously , Biscuit


  18. Oh, great. You post the bark warning AFTER the video. Good thing I wasn't taking a drink of coffee when she opened up.

  19. I love the pink snow. I saw a lot of it today on the way home. What you said about the locks made me laugh! We went to Cologne a few years ago and there was a whole bridge of the locks. Also saw a lot in Amsterdam.

  20. The locks in Paris and Prague are a plague. They have to be removed because their weight damages the railings. It's all just stupid.
    I like the pink snow, we're covered in yellow snow from the Palo Verdes dropping their blossoms.

  21. Allison is right, the locks got so bad on some of the bridges in Prague that after they cut them off the city put up plexiglass to prevent more from being put on bridge railings.. Just nuts!!

  22. I’ve always wanted a tiled black and white checker hall

  23. Your new flowers are pretty. Olga always looks as if she's in charge of her world, but she wasn't telling you to put away your camera. She asked if Penelope could hear her. Penelope heard and barked back.


  24. I've grown mimulus before and liked it and I love gazanias, they're one of my favorites. As always I love looking at your flowers photos. Thank you.
