Thursday, July 15, 2021

Frog and Bug Chorus

Well, today's the day I head back to England. I'm catching a plane to Miami at 5:38 p.m. and then connecting on to London, arriving about 10:30 tomorrow morning. So when I post next it will be from home sweet home, with Dave and Olga by my side.

Meanwhile, this morning I'm back at Dunkin' Donuts, and I'm happy to report there was absolutely no drama involved in coming in and ordering my coffee this morning. And they gave it to me free anyway! Are they reading my blog? Are they intimidated by my social media power? (Ha!)

Yesterday was mostly about getting ready for my flight. I had to take my pre-flight Covid test and get my "Fit to Fly" certificate. I also had to complete a Covid tracing document for the British government, but it requires my seat number on the airplane and I don't have that yet -- so I'm going to have to do it again after I check in. Argh!

I zipped out at lunch to meet my friend Cherie, who I've known for many years and who worked with me at a couple of area newspapers. We went to La Teresita, a Cuban restaurant in West Tampa, and caught up on all our family news. I had a media noche (a kind of Cuban sandwich) and black bean soup -- flavors of my hometown not easily available, as far as I know, in London.

Then, late yesterday afternoon, my stepmother came back from a trip to New England, so I went to the airport to help collect her and we all went to dinner. My stepsister is recovering from a cold but I gave her one of my Covid tests just to be safe -- and she was negative. So that's a relief. I sure don't want to get around anyone who might have that!

Late last night, I went to get a vanilla shake for dessert and to drive around the neighborhood a bit. On a nearby road I passed a swampy area, and even in the car with the windows rolled up, I heard the cacaphony rising from the cypresses and ferns. I had to stop and make a recording:

Now, that is nothing like any sound I ever hear in England! If I ever get homesick for Florida I can put this recording on a loop and allow it to put me to sleep -- though I think it will also make me want to swat at mosquitoes!

(Top photo: A colorful shop selling "ropas y zapatos" in West Tampa.)


  1. What a good trip you have had--despite all the Covid protocols. Safe travels. I'm sure Dave and Olga will be very, very happy to see you.

    1. They are indeed! I think Olga forgot who I was. LOL

  2. I've been to La Teresita. I would like to go again.
    Safe travels, warm welcomes when you get home.

    1. Possibly my favorite Cuban restaurant in Tampa!

  3. One of your covid tests? You have a few? Are they store bought? Glad your stepsister is negative. People do get summer colds still. I'm trying to remember that. Travel safe, my friend, and say hi to Dave and Olga for me!

    1. They're tests from the NHS, given to us to test periodically during the school year. I had a surplus so I took them with me to test periodically during this trip. And I still have more, should they be needed when we resume in August!

  4. Mike & I were noticing (again) how LOUD the outside is around our house at night. It was an issue when our air conditioning wasn't working - with all the windows open it was pretty rowdy. It was nice to go to sleep to, but not so fun with all the birds chirping at 5:00 in the morning. Ha! Hope you have a great trip!

    1. It is amazing to hear all that wildlife at night! Our garden is comparatively quiet.

  5. That is quite a swampy sound you recorded. I loved listening to it... from afar.
    Have a good and safe journey home, Steve.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! It's remarkable to my ears!

  6. Wow, that was a very noisy swamp area. I enjoyed hearing it where I can enjoy the sounds without the mosquitoes and other flying insects.
    Safe travels back to London. I'm sure you enjoyed your visit but I bet it will be good to be home again.

    1. It's definitely better to listen from the comfort of an armchair!

  7. Wonderful Recording - Safe Travels Brother - Olga Girl Photos And Updates For Sure


  8. Did you buy yourself any ropa or zapatos? I like that yellow outfit myself. That recording is so good, but it made ME start swatting at mosquitoes, too. Buen viaje! Look forward to hearing from you again once you‘re home. Hope all goes smoothly.

    1. I did not even go in. I don't think I'm their target demographic.

  9. The swamp recoding is amazing! I hear voices in there, none of them telling me to run for president or kill my child. Frog voices don't have the same authority as god. Travel well, see you on the flip side! You certainly got some great photos!

    1. It's amazing how many layers of sound there are in that recording.

  10. Have a smooth trip home. You will be tired but, oh so happy, to see Dave and Olga! It has been a terrific holiday!

    1. I am indeed! (I'm home now, as I write this.)

  11. What an interesting parking lot at Dollar Discount. I enjoyed your recording. Brings back a few childhood memories. You have a safe trip home. Hugs, Edna B.

    1. It brings back memories for me, too. I'm glad to see in some places those night sounds continue unabated.

  12. Growing up in swampy Louisiana did sound just like that swamp noise. I feel at home where I live now because there's a nature park just across the fence. Sometimes i wil sit outside and listen to the crickets and whatever else is going on over there. It make me feel at home. (lol) That is if the mosquitos aren't biting too bad. Have a safe trip back to England and hug Olga and Dave for me. Tell them I missed them too. (lol)

    1. Oh, I bet Louisiana sounded very similar! Olga and Dave say thanks for the hello. :)

  13. I love the recording, very old Florida which is disappearing. Safe travels.

    1. I know, that's the scary thing. We need these ecosystems.

  14. You could have recorded that right here at my house!

    I hope you have a safe, uneventful trip home. I'm sure Dave and Olga will be pleased to have you back!

    1. I'm glad to hear that a vigorous night chorus happens in other places too!

  15. that's about how it sounds out here at night after all this rain. plus baby to half grown toads still scattering with every step.

    I'm glad you had a good visit and safe travels home.

    1. I haven't seen or heard babies, as far as I know, but maybe I'm just not listening intently.

  16. There are at least ten Cuban restaurants in London. Apparently one of the best is The Cubana at Waterloo The waiters there all know how to spell "cacophony". I hope you have a relatively painless journey back to London and that you jump easily through the COVID hoops.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Google! Are you the world's English teacher?

  17. You got lots done in this day...even worrying about covid.

  18. That recording brought back memories of . . . something in my past. But maybe it was thinking about how my gut would react to one of those medianoche sandwiches! Buon viaggio!

  19. I have really enjoyed my vicarious break in Florida, thank you for the wonderful photos.

    1. I'm glad! Gotta get them all up on Flickr now. :)
