Thursday, July 1, 2021

It's-July-Already iPhone Roundup

This morning I'm making a few last-minute preparations before heading to the airport to fly to Florida. While this photo (above) seems very Florida, it was actually taken in the Isle of Wight -- where palm trees are not generally known to be a regular feature of the landscape. Go figure!

With that, let's kick off another roundup of random iPhone photos. Enjoy them while I finish packing. I'll be coming to you tomorrow from the Sunshine State!

A laminated sign on a lamppost on Finchley Road. It is a very littery stretch of road, sadly.

Is this graffiti of a pregnant woman? Possibly Marlo Thomas of "That Girl"? Because that's what I'm seeing.

Sometime in early 2020, one of our neighbors planted this amaryllis in the ground. It looked like someone gave it to them for Christmas and they weren't sure what to do with it. I was horrified because amaryllis are tropical flowers and I thought sure it would die -- I've never seen anyone grow an amaryllis outdoors in England. It struggled along through a dry spring and then this past cold and snowy winter -- but lo and behold, it bloomed again this spring. I can't believe it even survived! I'm not sure whether my neighbors knew what they were doing or just got lucky.

A whimsical sticker on an escalator in Waterloo Station. It was on the riser of the steps, the part that vanishes when the escalator comes to the top. I was impressed that someone moved quickly enough to stick a sticker there.

This was our breakfast silverware at our hotel on the Isle of Wight. I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but it was really weirdly proportioned. The fork was strangely long and the spoon was a large-sized tablespoon. It's like it was made to feed giants. And what's with the larger and smaller butter knives?

A quirky little Smart Car on the Isle of Wight. See the old Gulf Oil logo on the front, above the grill?

An anti-lockdown sticker on the Isle of Wight. (Dave and Olga in the background, fleeing from my omnipresent camera.)

And finally, a typically super-polite sign in a public restroom on the Isle of Wight. I found it funny that they felt they had to apologize for the "decoration" (i.e. the condition of the paint) because it didn't look so bad to me!


  1. The apology sign is amusing. SG often leaves me behind for photos. My sense is someone got lucky with the amaryllis. The illustration reminds me, too, of That Girl. And those two knives don’t even seem to be the same pattern as the fork and spoon.

  2. Replies
    1. The trip wasn't bad! I think you're right about the amaryllis.

  3. As usual - quirky! Please may I put in a request? (Steve: Of course!) When in Florida could you please take a few picture of your brother and his family and post one of them here on this award-winning blog? (Steve: No problemo!) Have a safe trip!

    1. Unfortunately, my brother has imposed a strict prohibition against putting pics of his family on the Internet! Whereas I blab online about anything, he is much more cautious.

  4. Compared to the knives and fork, the spoon looks like a dessert spoon, although it should be on the opposite side next to the fork. Unless you had soup first, but it is not a soup spoon. I don't understand why you say you have two bread and butter knives. Isn't the larger knife for your main course and the smaller for your entre or bread and butter. I clearly have a lot to worry about in life.

    1. You are not alone, Andrew.

      Normally, say at dinner, you are supposed to use cutlery from the outside in. Considering that Steve says it was the breakfast set up only two explanations come to mind. The more benign that the waiter didn't know what he was doing. Early in the morning and all that. The second that, for sake of argument, the spoon - by dint of size neither a tea nor a soup spoon - was for the bowl of cereal. Followed by a butter knife (toast) to then use knife and fork for a full English.


    2. Andrew, you can't really tell but that spoon is way too big to be a dessert spoon.

      Ursula, now that I think about it, I think you're absolutely right. That must be the logic behind the silverware placement. I still think that fork is weirdly large, though.

  5. I guess I'm showing my gae because I got Marlo Thomas with child, too.

    Enjoy your getaway.

    1. It's funny how that flip hairdo, even in cartoon form, conjures Marlo for so many people of a certain age. (I don't know how old you are but I'm guessing we're similar!) :)

  6. That little car is TOO CUTE. I like the photo of Dave and Olga fleeing the camera. That's something Gregg and George would and have done, too!

    Enjoy your trip to Florida! Will you be able to see Mary on this trip?

    1. Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to make it to that part of the state on this trip. Bummer!

  7. A nice collection of iPhone photos. I like Dave and Olga fleeing!
    Have a safe and good journey to Florida. Looking forward to seeing what you see there.

    1. Dave has always hated having his picture taken, and Olga has learned to hate it. LOL

  8. You did pay close attention to that silverware! :)
    Have a great time in Florida. Can't wait to hear (and see) all about it!

    1. Isn't it weird silverware? It was so bewildering!

  9. Another interesting collection of photos. I love that little car and that silverware is fascinating. Safe Travels today!

    1. I liked the car too. The Gulf oil logo is mystifying -- did Gulf even have a presence in England?

  10. I can tell that you're excited about getting away on your trip.

  11. Wishing you a great trip, Steve. It's good to set foot on the land we come from even if we chose to leave it voluntarily. And your mother will be so happy.


    1. Indeed, it's always good to return to the old homeland.

  12. Safe travels to Florida. Always love your photo roundups.

  13. That Amaryllis is awesome! I love the little smart car. Have a safe trip, hugs, Edna B.

  14. Palm trees there, wow! Perhaps they were getting you acclimated for Florida. Hope you have an excellent trip!

  15. Have a safe trip to Florida. I look forward to hearing about your trip.

  16. Hi you three. Give me a tour of Florida because I don't travel anymore and most likely will never get there. I've been to Hawaii (wakiki), Toronto, Canada (to school), Las Vegas (to gamble) (l0l).I doubt if things get better so I can start back traveling. Stay safe and enjoy your family.

    1. If you've been to Hawaii you've basically been to Florida -- although I'm sure Hawaii is much more interesting culturally!

  17. I really want a little smart car. They're adorable! And with my current commute one would be perfect!

    1. Aren't they cute? If I were in the market for a car I'd think about one too.

  18. I loved the photos but I had to do a double take with the silverware. That fork reminds me of a pitchfork of sorts lol. I hope that you and Dave were able to eat without stabbing yourselves.
    Marlo Thomas from That Girl was such a great impression of the obviously pregnant stick figure woman. I would not have thought of Marlo Thomas but I am glad that you did because I went back and took a second look and thought... WOW really spot on...

    I hope that you have a great and safe flight and that you enjoy every minute and that you do not experience jet lag. Hugs xxxxx

    1. It IS pitchfork-like! LOL! And yes, any woman with that flip hairdo immediately conjures Marlo, doesn't she?

  19. Be careful in Florida, it's run by the Cracker Jack Crazy Conservatives.

    1. Oh, believe me, I know. I grew up here. I'm used to them. LOL

  20. I hope I'm not repeating myself. I'm having difficulty commenting. I think what I said before is welcome to Florida, land of Ron DeSantis, Marco Rubio, Skeletor (Rick Scott), and me, the snowflake libtard.


    1. I've been having trouble commenting too! It's super-frustrating! Thanks for the welcome. I've now increased the snowflake libtard population by one. :)

  21. Love the iPhone photos as always.
    Yep. "That Girl" is what comes to my mind although she never had any children as far as I know. She got a lot of step sons, I believe, when she married Phil.
    Hurray for the hardy amaryllis! I think that some varieties can tolerate cold. That must one of them.
