Saturday, October 30, 2021

Pumpkins and Not Much Else

When I was at school yesterday I saw this row of carved jack-o-lanterns lined up in a hallway. They were all numbered, as if for judging, so I'm thinking we must have had a pumpkin carving contest. This one was my favorite, even though the carving itself seems a bit simplistic. A Covid-o-lantern!

I'm not sure my walking plan is going to work out this weekend. We're supposed to have pretty miserable weather both days. We'll see how it goes. I have plenty to do here at home, so I'll keep myself busy either way.

I found this image of an old Halloween greeting card online and thought it was pretty great. I'll blog it today just in case I do walk and tomorrow I have pictures to share!


  1. Eh? How on earth could Halloween be "joyful"? I don't get it. Isn't it all meant to be about evil spirits, departed souls and purgatory? Hardly "joyful".

  2. I do like the image on the card. I suppose a joyful Halloween isn’t much different from a happy Halloween, which also really doesn’t make much sense. I’d vote for the covid-o-lantern.

    1. I thought the simple addition of the paper mask was actually quite clever!

  3. Well, I love the old Halloween card.
    I haven't carved a pumpkin in years. I miss the smell of it though. There's nothing quite like it.

    1. Lord, I can't even remember the last time I carved one!

  4. A joyful Halloween to you too, Steve!

  5. Love seeing the pumpkins there. It's such an interesting tradition, this carving of pumpkins. I've been out photographing some of the pumpkins here. People are so creative with them.
    I love that old Halloween card.
    I hope you get out for a walk today. Looking forward to your photos!

    1. I feel like pumpkins have definitely become a more creative outlet in recent years. When I was a kid they all had pretty much the same face!

  6. Joyfull Halloween. Aren't we supposed to be scared and scary on Halloween?

    1. Yes, but it's FUN to be scared and scary. (But not TOO scary.)

  7. Goodness ... haven't you heard about (or remember) the fun aka "joy" in going trick or treating with a group of friends ... it was scary good fun!

    1. Exactly! People like to be harmlessly frightened! That's why so many people go to horror movies.

  8. I wonder which pumpkin won the contest. Carved pumpkins used to the the sole Halloween decoration when I was growing up. Today it's a huge commercial event.

    1. Yeah, I don't know who won! This one was MY winner. :)

  9. I remember one carved pumpkin as a kid and not nearly the commercialism. Love the old card.

    1. Yeah, the decorating is over-the-top these days. We put out a pumpkin and went trick-or-treating in some homemade costume, but that was about it.

  10. I don't "get" the joyful in the Joyful Halloween either! It seems to be a gut reaction that I can't dispel with logic. To each his/her/their own :)

    One year I bought two large pumpkins and four little ones, and decorated them with things like sunglasses, toothpicks for a brush cut, and baby pacifiers, making a family of mom and dad, teenage son, young daughter, and "the twins" (babies). It was far more fun than carving a pumpkin, for me - so I love seeing that masked Jack-O-Lantern :)

    1. Do you have pictures of your pumpkin creations? You should post them! I'd love to see them!

  11. I’ve bought a pumpkin but haven’t carved it yet
    Thanks to u I will

  12. I enjoy Halloween, so I liked both of your photos today. Hope you're able to get in a fun walk tomorrow!

    1. I like Halloween from a distance -- we don't really do anything ourselves in terms of decorating or dressing up!
