Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Not My Pictures of Morocco

When Dave and I walked Olga to the cemetery on Friday, we passed a blue Ikea bag sitting on the sidewalk next to some rubbish bins. The bag contained numerous framed photographs. The rubbish had already been collected, but perhaps the trash guys didn't take the bag because they weren't sure whether it was trash. I said to Dave, "If that bag is still sitting there when we go home, I'm picking it up."

Well, it was, and I did.

When I got home, I looked through the six framed pictures. My intention was just to donate the frames -- black Ikea frames mostly in good condition -- to a charity shop. But I was surprised to find that all the images appeared to depict Morocco.

As many of you know, I lived in Morocco as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer from 1992 to 1994. Of course it's just coincidence, but it felt like these pictures -- which admittedly could be of another North African country like Algeria or Tunisia -- had been sent especially to me. A gift from the Universe.

(I've previously blogged some of my favorite Morocco pictures from my own camera.)

I don't think these images are very old. They were printed by Snapfish in 2017, according to the back of the photos. But the frames were very dusty, which makes me think they've been sitting in a closet or some other storage space for a while.

I cleaned up the frames -- I had to discard one, which was broken beyond repair -- and I left the pictures in them. I may go ahead and donate them in the hopes that someone else will like them as much as I did. In any case, they have a second chance and hopefully won't go to a landfill.


  1. They are nicely composed aren't they. An interesting find.

  2. Good photos to bring back memories for you

  3. I love your finds Steve, I'm just the same, always scouring the streets as we drive to see what people have left outside. lol

  4. They remind me very much of my trip to Essaouira in 2007. As a football supporter might proclaim at the sight of a goalkeeper in full flight, "Well Saved!"

  5. Really interesting. You are a master of finding interesting things.

  6. I wonder why anyone would throw those out. I'd clean them up nd hang them in my home.

  7. I wonder about the back story about how these really good pix came to be thrown out. After probably being neglected anyway. Thanks for rescuing them and letting us see before they move on again.

  8. Just as someone had a reason for framing these, someone (else?) had a reason for tossing them out. What is the story, I wonder?

  9. Interesting photos! How nice of you to clean up the frames and get them ready for donating. Someone will be so happy to find these in a resale shop!

  10. Kind of an odd selection of photos. I'd like to visit Morocco someday. Good for you for saving the frames.

  11. Someone obviously didn't know the value of the photos or frames. Maybe they had to move and get rid of some things. Hey this story could turn into a book!

  12. You do find some very interesting things. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  13. I love that you pick up discarded things and bring them home. This is such an interesting find.
    I saw my neighbor the other day walking home carrying a very lovely woven basket chair. It made me think of you!

  14. Those are nice photos. Hope they find a home.

  15. What an interesting set of photos. Good for you for saving them and recycling them. I liked your photos from Morocco too. Very nice.
    I watched "Don't Look Up" last night. The satire hits pretty close to home. I liked it too!

  16. Those are nice photos, particularly the last one. London is amazing in how much good stuff is left out for the taking.

  17. I would love to visit Morocco (or Tunisia). The architecture is amazing. Unfortunately, I'm not ready to travel again quite yet and then my priority will be Ireland. I was supposed to go in 2020 but we know how that went...

  18. I didn't know you'd served in the Peace Corps! Thanks for sharing your own photos with us in addition to these.

  19. I was going to suggest that you keep them and put them on your walls, until I saw your own photos. Gee, you must have seen Marrakesh and Casablanca too. How lucky!

  20. You are the best caretaker of orphans!

  21. I think you should keep them.

  22. Steve the urban archeologist wins again!

  23. Thanks for your comments, everybody! For now they're in our dining room; I haven't decided whether to keep them or not but I will in the short term.

  24. Some finds are serendipitous -- this was definitely one of them!
