Friday, March 17, 2023

Nigel and the Refugees

My first post of random photos from my new iPhone! You'll find they're probably not all that different from my previous phone's pics, but's a milestone.

First, a collection of stickers I found on a shop security gate on my walk to work yesterday morning. I find them heartening but sadly, I'm not sure they reflect public opinion.

Someone had a bad day!

This is where the Billy Fury mural used to be. As you can see, it is long gone and the wall is now just a mass of graffiti. "Nigel" is a recent addition.

More refugee advocacy: The bottom sticker reads "No One is Illegal" in Dutch. The top sticker features an Italian artist.

Never fear! Eggs Man is here!

Looks like someone who works for TFL cut up and discarded their photo ID. Part of it didn't make it into the trash.

A random smiley face on a passage beneath the clubhouse on the rugby fields near the cemetery. Olga and I used to walk this way all the time and we haven't much lately, but she took me that way a couple of weeks ago for old times' sake.

And finally, this figure stands in the Hampstead Church Cemetery, which is a different cemetery from the one I usually visit with Olga. Every time I've seen this statue, it's been holding a flower. I wonder who takes it upon themselves to replace it and keep it fresh?


  1. ! wonder if that eggman was the very one that John Lennon was thinking of in his song, "I Am The Walrus" (1967)...

    I am the egg man
    They are the egg men
    I am the walrus
    Goo goo g'joob

  2. The statue and flower is touching.
    That guys got enormous large eggs.
    I thought Nigel and the Refugees was the name of a punk rock band.

  3. The world is filled with such unkindness. Really disheartening to me sometimes, our ability to see other people as somehow less than people. That's why the final picture was so heartening. In the middle of all of this unkindness, a quiet person has taken the small responsibility of keeping a fresh flower to make a bright spot in his or her corner of the world.

  4. I love the flower holding figure. And I just bought eggs from my work Egg Man (he raises chickens on the side - these are some very fresh eggs!).

  5. Lovely camellia in the statue-lady's hand. What a sweet thing for someone to do. A little beauty is shared with each flower.
    Of course I have to love Eggs Man! How proud he is of his eggs!

  6. I like the statue with the flower.
    I am wondering about the bike in that tunnel. Was someone nearby?
    "Special Rare Breeds"? - what kind of eggs would that be?

  7. I'm with Mitchell. I thought the title referred to a band. and home delivery of eggs! have you ever looked to see who was buried there that the statue is looking over?

  8. I wonder which Nigel is referenced.. You're really having a good time with the new phone.

  9. The view in our country has changed greatly. We take in refugees but we need workers so have many Asians...usually Philapino

  10. Great first collection of random photos from the new phone. The statue with the flower is lovely. I love that someone brings a flower there for her to hold.

  11. Never knew the superhero EggMan ... did he come before ChickenMan?

    That last photo is sweet, especially with the story you told.

  12. whoa, Eggman- work it , Girl!!
    Always love your random shots!

  13. The two times I've updated my smart phone, I usually notice the ability to focus better and take pictures in bad lighting before I notice any changes in quality. My last phone required me to always touch where I wanted to focus but my current phone rarely requires me to do that because it already has it selected as the focal point when I hold it up.

  14. I love the thought of someone putting a fresh flower in the hands of the statue all the time. The people that want to kick out the refugees don't seem to realize how easily any of us could be a refugee.
    Growing up in Illinois, my parents used to buy farm fresh eggs from a man who sold them driving his truck around town. We could hear the truck coming down the street and would yell "mom, the egg man is coming."

  15. P.S. Our egg man didn't look anything like your egg man. ;-)

  16. What a lovely tradition to put a fresh flower there! Dutch looks so much like German.

  17. I love that Olga dictates the direction your walks take. She's got you trained. :)

  18. It's funny how I often don't catch that something is written in dutch until somebody points it out to me. It's something so normal and ingrained for me that I completely seem to forget it's out of place in a foreign country ..

  19. Good for Nigel...better than just scrawly tags!

  20. Your random pix are almost always better than most folks' carefully curated pix!
