Saturday, October 28, 2023


Well, the tree saga has ended amicably, at least for now. The apartment caretaker called me yesterday morning and said they were going to cut the overhanging branches, and they'd dispose of them. I said that was fine. And when I came home, that's what had been done. Easy as pie.

In fact, now I'm wondering if we really need the tree service to come in February. Their main job was going to be removing that dead limb. We have a few other tasks as well but they're pretty minor. I may have to rethink this!

Otherwise, yesterday was very quiet. Since so many of you felt for the 7th Grade boy with the mangled book (see yesterday's post), you'll be glad to know that I let him off the hook. I was able to find two more copies of that same book elsewhere in the school, so I replaced it without spending any money -- and then it seemed unfair to charge him. But I did ask him to take better care of his books!

Olga and I found the photo at left on the sidewalk on one of our recent outings. It looks like one of those pictures where a bunch of friends crowd into a photo booth. I have one of those from high school myself, though we didn't have the fancy Hollywood backdrop and ours was black & white. Such a dinosaur! Anyway, yet another cultural artifact rescued from oblivion.

I have no grand plans for the weekend. I need to catch up on my New Yorkers and also I hope to mow the lawn -- if I can squeeze it in between rain showers -- and do some trimming in the garden. Our dishwasher is on the fritz and I'm hoping I can get that sorted out too. It's always something!

(Top photo: A trash bin at the housing estate near our flat. That red light is a train signal. The tracks are on the other side of that fence.)


  1. It sounds as if they have done you a favour. It means you can reassess that corner of the garden .
    A wandering rubbish bin!! A variation on "The Luggage" ? Not made of sapient pearwood though.

    It is such a contrast seeing all the high walls, fences and razor wire around railway tracks, after seeing them completely open in NZ...

  2. Great news about the tree. And, yes, if that's all that was bothering them and it's not bothering you at all, maybe it's worth a rethink and save some money. I want to know about those 4 girls in the photo booth. Were they really in LA? Or maybe Blackpool?

    A Jackson Pollack trash bin.

  3. It sounds like the aggressive caretaker was, as I thought, unsure of himself and probably what to expect from you so he took a heavy-handed I'm in charge approach. I am glad somebody in his hierarchy saw sense and got the job done in a right and proper manner. I am afraid this type of behaviour happens all too often these days.

  4. Solidarity With THe Boy With THe Battered Book! Justice at Last! In a free world surely everybody has the right to batter a book once in a while - even a librarian! Which book would you like to batter? For me it would be "Trustee from The Toolroom" bu Nevil Shute or "How To Get Rich" by Donald J. Trump.

  5. Wow, such a simple solution to the tree issue ... removing what YOU cut down and not hurling over a fence into someone's back garden.

  6. Phew! Glad the tree saga was successfully and efficiently ended!
    And I'm happy that Book Boy was able to avoid fines. You're a good man, Steve!

  7. I do that all of the time, Steve, worry about things that turn out just fine in the end and my worrying was really for nothing. Makes me resolve to not get so worried next time but of course I do anyway...
    Crazy human nature! Glad it worked out with the tree and the book!

  8. I'm so glad the tree saga worked out well. Yay! And that you had a nice talk with the young boy who messed up the book. All good news.

  9. thanks for the explanation of the photo at top. I thought it was supposed to be of the other side of your wall after the trimming and I couldn't figure it out. which wall was yours. why all the drama over those overhanging dead limbs when the solution was so easy.

    good resolution on the book.

  10. So the tree saga was easily ended, good. Between the drama king caretaker and the drama queen Mrs Russia, it was a production waiting to happen. Sounds as if you won't need the tree people after all. Maybe think about it a while, plenty of time to cancel without being unfair to them.

    Nice of you to choose discretion over the book replacement, too.

  11. Great that you got the tree business AND the book business resolved without any complications! Yes, it's always something. I'm trying to catch up on National Geographics while I wait on an audiobook I have on hold. (which I'm trying not to be irrationally peeved about... how long can it take for someone to listen to a six hour book - especially when they know others are waiting for it!?)

  12. It sounds like someone who was trying to size you up. If you had not pushed back, they would have dumped the problem (and brush) on you. Given the work done, if you do not need a tree person in February, I would not hire one.
    Did the student ever explain what happened to the book?

  13. It does sound like your tree work needs are met. Hopefully the student that returned the damaged book will be more careful going forward. Photo booth group pictures are as popular today as they were many years ago. Always fun pics!

  14. Glad the tree worked out and the library book issue was resolved! I too need to mow my lawn. It's going to be quite a job since it hasn't been done for a while and the weather has been conducive to grass growth.

  15. Someone shot a can of paint like a basketball and came up short.

  16. Good news on the tree issue. Their initial position seemed a bit aggressive.

  17. I'm a major proponent of no great plans on a weekend. Maybe not every weekend but it's nice to have the time to either do the put-off things -- or to do nothing!

    I'm glad you were kind to Book Boy. AND that the trees are done with!

  18. Always something...what I was going to say. Anyway, the tree issue is resolved at least.

  19. Glad the apartment manager turned out to be less of a hard-ass than expected. Who will collect that errant trash bin?

  20. I am glad the tree issue is resolved. Any chance of photos of the offending area so we can all sit in judgement?
    I am glad your good heart took pity on the wee lad.

  21. Dishwasher? that's what hands are for. Ha Ha.
    Glad the tree issue is sorted.
