Monday, October 23, 2023

Dragons, Furries and a Special Guest Star

Yesterday I finally got off my lazy behind and took a long walk through London. I did this because a Special Blogging Guest Star has come to town -- Sharon of Phoenix Daily Photo! So yay to Sharon for giving me some motivation!

I met up with her at her stylish hotel, the Fitzroy on Russell Square. Our original plan had been to go to the National Gallery, but as it turned out the weather yesterday was amazing -- bright blue sky, lots of sun and shadow. Given that the next couple of weeks are going to be cloudy and rainy, we figured we'd better carpe diem and spend the day outdoors.

So we set out instead for the City of London, and it was indeed an incredible day for photography. We stopped at the Holborn Viaduct, an ornate bridge over a roadway. I've photographed those dragons before but yesterday, in the sun, they really glowed!

I love days with no particular agenda. We kept wandering and crossed Paternoster Square, in the shadow of St. Paul's Cathedral. The light was so perfect that I felt like every time we turned a corner we were presented with an amazing photographic opportunity.

It wasn't that cold, but this little pigeon decided to hunker down on a spotlight in a patio. Maybe it's not for warmth. Maybe that pigeon simply believes it has star quality and needs special lighting. "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille."

We wandered into the church of St. Mary le Bow, which I'd never visited before. We were starting to think about lunch and there's a cafe in the crypt beneath the church, but as it turns out it's only open on weekdays. So we simply enjoyed the church's modernistic stained glass windows and airy vaulted space. Much of it was rebuilt after heavy damage in World War II.

It's the church that gives definition to the term Cockney -- supposedly, to be a true Cockney, one has to be born within earshot of its bells.

We finally found food not far away at a rather downmarket Costa coffee shop, where I got a "Hog Roast" toastie. I handed it to the cashier for toasting, and when he brought it to the counter a few minutes later, he announced that it was chicken. I didn't pick it up because I assumed it was someone else's sandwich; when I asked where mine was, he pointed at it. "Oh, I had the pork," I said. He replied, "There is no pork. You had that one."

So then I was completely confused about why a toastie called "Hog Roast" would contain chicken. I looked at the ingredients list before we left and of course it doesn't. I don't even know why I'm telling this story except to declare that I AM NOT INSANE and the sandwich called "Hog Roast" is, in fact, pork.

When we emerged onto the street we noticed that we were near the Fenchurch Building, home of the Sky Garden. We thought we might try to go up, but there was a long line and the ticket agent said we needed to pre-book.

So we kept walking, and a few blocks away we happened to look up and see a colorful building with people roaming around on the roof. Well, that looks like an observation deck, we thought -- and it is, a completely free one on the top of 120 Fenchurch Street. No pre-booking necessary!

We went up and enjoyed fabulous views over all of London. That's Sharon in the beige jacket, with the towers of Canary Wharf in the background.

Here's another perspective, including the Tower of London and Tower Bridge. How can you argue with a view like that?!

By this time it was mid-afternoon and we'd been walking a while, so we decided to catch the bus back to Sharon's hotel. We'd no sooner boarded and sat down than we passed a large group of people in furry animal costumes walking down the sidewalk.

That's a terrible picture, because it was taken from a moving bus, but you get the idea. It's a Furry parade!

We eventually made our way back to the Fitzroy and I dropped off Sharon before heading home myself. I enjoyed the bus ride so much that I took buses all the way back to West Hampstead, rather than getting on the dreary tube. Gotta maximize that sunlight while it's around!


  1. What an amazing day.
    I would call the jacket cream or ivoresque. Beige is so .... well, beige!

  2. A lovely day indeed, and good weather too!

  3. Looks like a great day. And then a furry parade, so rare lately. Such great photos. So nice of the pigeon to pose for you.

  4. You and Sharon had a fabulous day! Those views from that rooftop were amazing! I'd take free over pre-book anyday! I really love those gilded dragons and have save the picture, I'll get it framed and hang it near all my little dragons.

  5. I LOVE this post. You've summarized the day beautifully and with a lot more wit than I did. That shot of the furry people turned out pretty good given the conditions. I'll never forget the views from that great roof deck. It was a perfect day! Thank you for being my guide.

  6. The pigeon photo is funny. I have seen birds perch on or near lamps to get the warmth. Not that much warmth now from LED.

    For an English church, St Mary le Bow is very colourful and bright. I like it.

    The Tower Bridge view, and your photo is terrific.

    The Tube is so efficient but I agree with you, much of the older part is dreary, rather like the NYC Subway.

  7. Loved the pigeon picture. Well spotted! If only you and Sharon had known about the Furry Animal Parade, Sharon could have dressed as a furry phoenix and you could have been a furry book worm.

  8. What a glorious day and great photos of the city!

  9. I think maybe that pigeon is god. Or at least an angel. Whatever, that is certainly a stunning photo. As is the one with the Tower of London and London Bridge.
    That is a colorful church. But there goes my theory of Christ on the Cross being at eye level to represent our suffering here on earth while above are the glories of light and architecture. That Christ is right on up there, swinging from heaven, eternally nailed.

  10. Your photos are beautiful. It seems to have been a perfect day for a visit.


  11. Sounds like you two had a grand day. I had just read Sharon's post before coming to yours.

  12. What a wonderful day spent with a fellow blogger. Great pics and a lovely time.

  13. what a great day. I love the shot of the pigeon and the view of London from the deck. and the Furry parade. people do some weird stuff but that whole Furry business is very strange.

  14. It pays to get out with somebody knew and look at things a little differently. You had good luck on the light and took advantage of it.

  15. Love the photos and thanks for the link to the furry page. I didn't really know much about them.

  16. I love the poser pigeon looking all fluffy and all!
    I truly appreciate being able to go on your walks ... it's the only way I get to see any parts of London or other areas you wander to! Thank you!

  17. Great photo day. You both sound very flexible and ready to enjoy whatever's there, despite plans. That's good modeling for enjoying life.

  18. What a great day you two had and I enjoyed checking out her post about it, too! All the photos are wonderful, but I keep getting drawn back to that pigeon.

  19. What a lovely day! I was thinking about where I might want you to take me if I ever showed up in London.

  20. What a spectacular day you had. Your post is encouraging me to buy lottery tickets, so that if I win, I could live in fabulous London as well. Your photos were just wonderful.

  21. Hi
    My first visit.
    I am enjoying both posts, Sharon's and yours. I feel like visiting London again...
    Best regards

  22. The dragons look amazing and I love the shot of the pigeon. Glad you found an alternative for elevated sightseeing, and FREE! Sounds like a great day out.

  23. That was a great day and you are a good friend!

  24. The only thing that crossed my mind reading about your sandwich is a quote from Seinfeld. "No soup for you!" Luckily, you presumably still got your sandwich.

    Rarely do I see a picture and think that I'll never see another one like that. But that is what I thought when I saw the pigeon/spotlight one. Excellent work!

  25. Excellent outing! I might like to see the church , love the wander.

  26. Fascinating photographic tour! I loved that pigeon! I would have been compelled to show the employee the description of the Hog Roast. Because that is INSANE.

  27. Caro: "Ivoresque" certainly sounds better!

    Frances: We couldn't have asked for better!

    Mitchell: I couldn't believe those furries! I only wish I'd had an opportunity to take a better photo.

    River: That's awesome! I'm honored that you want to hang one of my pictures on your wall!

    Sharon: Well, you weren't subjected to the Hog Roast Toastie debacle, except as a passive observer. LOL! It was a fun walk. I wasn't a guide so much as a fellow wanderer!

    Andrew: I couldn't believe that bird! It was as if it posed for us.

    YP: Ha! Apparently those furry costumes cost thousands of dollars. I'd rather invest in something else.

    Bob: Yes and thank you!

    Ms Moon: Interesting theories about the position of the Christ! I would much rather worship the pigeon.

    Janie: Thank you! It really was.

    RedPat: It was about the best weather we ever get in England.

    Robin: It was very fun!

    Ellen: I don't quite get the Furry thing, except that I think people feel a sense of security when they're anonymous inside a suit. It probably helps relieve social anxiety.

    Red: Yes, having someone else along helped me notice things I might have missed otherwise.

    Pixie: I watched a documentary about furries once -- I think it was on Netflix? Quite eye-opening!

    Marcia: He does look a bit chilled, fluffing up his feathers that way. I'm not sure why because it wasn't THAT cold.

    Boud: Sharon is great because she's up for wandering in pretty much any direction!

    Kelly: That pigeon was a wonderful surprise. I was so glad I'd brought my big camera and my zoom lens.

    Bug: Yes! Come to London! Lots to see! :)

    Allison: Glad you liked them! There's always a lot to discover out there but this was an especially fruitful walk.

    Catarina: Welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed our little walking tour!

    Jenny-O: I couldn't believe we lucked into that roof deck, which I hadn't even heard of before!

    Catalyst: It was very fun. Sharon is up for anything.

    Ed: It WAS a bit like the Soup Nazi. Thanks re. the pigeon! It was good timing.

    Linda Sue: Yes, it's well worth a visit, maybe on a day when the cafe is open! I tried to get in touch with you to invite you but I have no idea how to do that.

    Margaret: LOL! Isn't it crazy? I just had to check the ingredients to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.

  28. This sounds beyond belief wonderful. Lucky Sharon! You're right -- when you have weather like that, you stay outside. The pigeon photo is a gem. My friend Wally (a marvelous photographer) used to say "I'd rather be lucky than good." This time you were both!
