Friday, August 23, 2024

Morning Calamity

Dog treats at our vet's office

Well, my day is already off to a challenging start. I managed to spill about half a cup of coffee in the bed while getting ready to write this post, necessitating an emergency cleanup. (Olga is literally unmoved.) Also, Dave is sick and staying home from work for a second day, and the apartment maintenance people are replacing our leaky toilet later this afternoon. WAY too much going on.

At least I can take all the bedclothes to the laundromat on my way to work.

Dave does not have Covid, fortunately, but he is, in his words, "a fountain of phlegm." I suppose it's inevitable that I will also become said fountain at some point, but it hasn't happened yet. He's been sitting up for hours watching the Democratic National Convention and all the ensuing talking-head analysis. I'll read about it today but I don't need to see it in real time. Sounds like Kamala knocked it out of the park, which is great.

I noticed on my walk home from work a couple of days ago that the psychedelic medicine cabinet has become a little free library. Maybe that was the intention all along. It needs another shelf, don't you think? I see a copy of Iain Sinclair's "Ghost Milk" and David Grann's "The Wager" -- I might grab those if they're still there when I pass again this morning.

And on that note, I need to strip the bed, take a shower and get myself to work.


  1. "fountain of phlegm" describes my past week exactly. I am a lot better now, but not yet 100% I love those little libraries, there are several around Adelaide, but none at all in my suburb, so occasionally I'll leave a book or two at the nearest bus stop.

    1. Yes, I've picked up a book at a bus stop or park bench now and then! Glad you're feeling better.

  2. The dog on the tins looks a bit scary.
    I think I've either caught Dave's or River's cold. I think I need an IV drip to replace the fluid I've lost. At least Dave will be home to let the plumbers in.

    1. Why are we all getting sick? Must be the change of weather in a transitional season?

  3. In recent days my own "fountain of phlegm" appears to have been directly connected to my snot generator. I am sick of it. The dog on the dog treats containers looks stark raving mad.

    1. It does look insane, I agree. If it were standing in front of me I'd be alarmed.

  4. What a way to start the day. And that’s not a spill you can leave until later. May everything be going smoothly at this point.

    1. Ha! Yeah, that was a strip-the-bed-immediately spill. Ugh!

  5. So sorry that your day has started with a spilled cup of coffee. I hate when I do that. I hope you don't get Dave's ailment!

  6. Ugh, poor Dave! Hopefully you'll have a phlegm miracle & won't get sick too. I stayed up watching the DNC for three of the four nights (didn't stay up for Joe on Tuesday). It. Was. Awesome. So good. People are wondering if the production team will get an Emmy. The only sour note was that the war in Gaza wasn't really addressed except in passing. Which I can understand for political reasons, but it was still sad.

    1. I'm glad you watched it and enjoyed it. Hopefully it will generate more enthusiasm for the Harris ticket!

  7. Although I'll occasionally watch debates or interviews, I have never watched more than a few minutes of any political national convention. All the marshmallow fluff they feed to their constituents is just too much for me. I guess I'm more of a meat and potatoes guy. But like you, it sounds like it is going quite well there and also in the polls. Trump just repeatedly keeps shooting himself in the feet with his stupid comments about crowd sizes, intelligence, etc.

    1. Yeah, that's how I am. Just give me the important moments. Trump is his own worst enemy, fortunately -- and yet there's a segment of the electorate that loves all his bluster.

  8. It sounds like the only way for today to go is up. So I hope it does.

  9. I call myself a Phlegm Phactory when I get sick like that!
    Kamala was perfection last night; it was a great convention.

    1. I'm so glad she pulled it off and it all went well.

  10. Not an auspicious start to the day. On the upside, it can only get better?
    I hate to think that it's "what virus do I have now" time of year already.

    1. I guess transitional seasons like spring and fall are always times that people are prone to get sick. Not that it's really fall yet, but it's feeling a bit fall-like here.

  11. It is amazing how much mucus a human can produce.
    This morning WAS a lot. I hope the rest of the day goes smoother.
    And definitely- that little library needs another shelf.

    1. Maybe the artist will come back and install one! (Brightly painted, of course.)

  12. There's no sense in crying over spilt milk, we are told. Spilt coffee is a whole 'nuther story. The morning that I spilt a cup of coffee into our computer keyboard was pretty traumatic. I discovered I didn't have to actually drink coffee to become wide awake.

    1. Ha! Yeah, fortunately I did NOT spill onto my computer!

  13. Hope the day gets better (and Dave does too!)

  14. It does need another shelf...happy washing...and hope your immune system manages to work overtime

    1. So far, so good. We'll see how it holds up over the next week or so.

  15. my sinuses have been full starting last night though they are clearing now that I'm sitting up. there's a little library here across from the post office. I found a book there I really wanted to read and then passed it on to a friend but I compensated by filling it with a box of books given to us by a neighbor that we were done with.

    1. They ARE a great way to get rid of old books, if you don't have too many!

  16. It would be nice if the maintenance people could fix that cabinet door while they're there. But I'm sure they wouldn't have the proper replacement parts considering they're coming for a leaky toilet. 🙄

    1. Yeah, this was specifically a plumber. So no such luck on the cabinet door.

  17. I wonder if Dave's cold is a result of airplane close quarters. I think that might have been how I got mine.
    Kamala truly did knock it out of the park last night. It was a great speech. Now it's game on! That feeling I had of total dread is gone now. Now I feel hopeful and energized.

    1. I wonder too. I think if he picked it up on the plane it would have struck him before now, though.

  18. What a morning! Hopefully things improved as the day continues. Dave's congestion sounds awful. Fluids and rest will be helpful. Yes, KH is a winner; smart as a whip. The street library could use a second shelf. For now, a single shelf appears well stocked.

    1. I'm so glad KH did well and is showing the world what kind of leader she can be!

  19. Airplanes are like petri dishes, sickest I've ever been was when I picked up something on a business trip to Montreal & Winnipeg, was out of the office for a week after that. It was so bad the Allison used to put food at the bedroom door and pick up the dishes when I was done. Yep, Kamala did knock it out of the park last night, and based on his social media activity and phone calls to Fox & Newsmax I think she broke the Orange man. Bret Baier and Fox blonde # 6 actually hung up on him. Then he called Newsmax and whined some more.

    1. There's something so pathetic about a presidential candidate calling a network to whine.

  20. I have spilled coffee on my family room carpet and it is a beast to clean up. I always come back from a trip with the sniffles but not usually that much snot. :) Hope you don't get it too.

    1. Yeah, thank goodness where I spilled the coffee I could just throw everything in the washing machine! (Or take it to the laundromat.)

  21. Hopefully you avoid the virus. It's not a good feeling to have a sick spouse and just be waiting for what seems inevitable.

    Coffee is a difficult stain to get out, but sheets probably doesn't matter as much as clothing. I find soaking in cold water, then liberally applying detergent directly to the stain and washing in the hottest water possible gets it out. Even better if you can add bleach to the wash water. A dryer will set a stain for posterity. You've probably washed, dried, folded, and put the sheets back on the bed by now, so this was wasted information, I'm sure :D

    1. Ha! We just took them to the laundromat and they washed them. Whatever they did appears to have gotten out the stain!

  22. I hope David gets well soon and DOESN'T pass it on to you. It's been many years since I've been sick with anything. Don't know whether that's good genes or good luck.

    1. Hey, whatever it is, don't knock it! I like your new profile picture, by the way. You look like an impressionist painter.

  23. I hope work was a better day than the start! I like the little library -- and yes, it does need another shelf. I hope you stay well -- probably a big wish but good luck with it!
