Sunday, October 27, 2024

Snowflakes and a Massage

I was going to start this post talking about my Sunday lie-in, because my bedside clock says it's 7:45 a.m. and I never sleep that late. But then I realized British Summer Time ended this morning, so the clocks jumped back and it's actually 6:45. A trick of the universe to make me feel slightly less lazy!

Yesterday was a day of domesticity -- three loads of laundry (I had to catch up!), vacuuming, that kind of thing. I know I said I was going to read "Bleak House," and I honestly tried right after lunch, but I could barely keep my eyes open and my mind wasn't on the book. I'll try again today, maybe when I'm not in a post-prandial haze.

Oh, and I got something fun in the mail from blogger Ellen!

No, not taco shells. It was a slim envelope containing two flat pieces of cardboard, which happened to have been taken from an Old El Paso box, taped together. Tucked between them were these:

If you read Ellen's blog, you'll recognize these as crocheted and starched snowflakes made by her sister, Pam. Ellen kindly offered them to blogland pals in a recent post, so I spoke up and she mailed me two. (Looks like the two on the far right in the photo she posted to her own blog.) Thanks, Ellen!

Getting these in the mail prompted another bout of housecleaning. I hung them in a living room window, and I was going to take a photo for the blog, but the glass was filthy -- because, you'll recall, Mr. Russia power-washed the upstairs terrace not long ago. All the dirt and debris from there came raining down on our patio, and the windows looked like someone had held a monster truck rally in our garden.

So I went out with a squeegee and the garden hose and wiped and rinsed all the exterior glass around the patio (some of it, out of reach behind the plants, I just sprayed from afar). It all looks much better now, but the task made me grumpy. (Or, in Russian, сердитый -- pronounced "serdityy.")

To help relax I had a massage in the afternoon. I went to the Thai place on the high street and once again had a very good massage experience, though it was deep-tissue and occasionally it hurt. I always have to tell masseurs to go easy on my calves -- my calf muscles don't like fingers digging into them. She even massaged my jaw muscles, which I also could have done without. But seriously, overall, she did a great job.

(Top photo: Nicole the Nicotiana i
s still blooming away!)


  1. The lovely lady who used to be my main massage go-to until she left the place to have a baby (we‘re still friends) gave me such snowflakes for Christmas some years ago, and I put them on my Christmas tree. It‘ll soon be time to dig all that out!

  2. Those snowflakes are very pretty but I hope they don't encourage any real ones to fall!

  3. The snowflakes were a nice gift. I prefer a male masseur, just so that my imagination keeps fit.

  4. Thai deep tissue massage is very effective

  5. What a thoughtful mail call! And they are lovely! I'm having a horrid time adjusting to the jet lag. How do you do it when you visit home? I've been trying to go to bed at "normal" time (11ish, give or take) but am waking at 2:45 and usually not able to get back to sleep. I suppose it gives me more time to deal with the return chaos and bug prep but after a bit, I'm zonked to the max! I was there long enough to fully adjust and now... still, wouldn't trade a second! But if you have any tips, do share!

  6. Love the snowflakes and I know the feeling of ... now I must clean the windows and then clean the ... and then do the ...

  7. I don't know enough Russian, beyond thank you, to curse out a lousy neighbor who washes his dirt down onto you! What a nerve.
    I'm glad Pam's snowflakes have a good new home.

  8. I have Pam Flakes too! I didn't post them because I'm giving some of them as gifts & didn't want to spoil the surprise.

  9. That's what I love about Blogs - it's like having penpals all over the world that we make connections with. Sweet snowflakes that will always remind you of Ellen in Texas! (Not to be confused with Ellen D. in Illinois). ;)

  10. Aww... what pretty snowflakes. And how kind of Ellen to pass on her sister's delicate work.
    I am telling you, Steve- let Bleak House go! I just had a stern talk with myself about feeling that I must listen to every episode of a favorite podcast. It's ridiculous! You'd think you and I were schooled by the nuns in The Blues Brothers.
    Massage can be so healing. Glad you got one.

  11. Give me a head massage anyday
    Oh with the feet thrown in

  12. Washing windows is a hard job but it looks great after you're finished.
