Thursday, March 20, 2025

Criminals High and Low

I had a dentist's appointment yesterday that I'd scheduled six months ago, for a routine cleaning and exam. Unfortunately, I also have a cold. The idea of having someone working in my mouth while I'm infectious sounded pretty gross, so I called the dentist's office to give them an out. To my surprise, they didn't bite (ha ha). "If you can get here, we're happy to see you when you have a cold," they said.

I guess the idea is that infection control protects them whether their patients are symptomatic of illness or not. Seems pretty brave to me, but I went. As the dentist said to me, "Everyone has something."

Fortunately, I don't have any cavities, though there is a suspicious spot on one tooth that could become a cavity. The dentist told me not to rinse my mouth after I brush my teeth, to let the fluoride from the toothpaste work overnight. This also seems pretty gross, but I tried it last night and it's not as bad as I expected.

My dentist has also wanted to replace one of my fillings, which is "ditched," or worn down. I'm sure it's 30 years old, at least, so I agreed. We'll do that in June after school lets out.

As for my cold, it's pretty minor -- just sniffles. Annoying, but I feel normal other than that.

Olga and I found evidence of criminal activity on West End Lane early Tuesday morning. Yikes! I see this more often than I care to admit. Yet another thing that makes me glad I don't have a car -- and if I did have one, I wouldn't leave a tuppence inside it. (We don't really say tuppence anymore, but you know what I mean.)

I worked like a dog yesterday, re-shelving five cartloads of books that I'd pulled earlier for various student projects. Thank goodness my co-worker shelved the regular returns so I didn't have to deal with those too.

Then, on my walk home, I listened to my QAA podcast, where one of the hosts was talking about visiting CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, last month. Reading all the horrible political news from the United States has been in equal measure astonishing and infuriating, and it was interesting to hear his take on this very pro-Trump gathering of prominent conservatives and lunatics, as they gave each other Nazi salutes and talked about chainsawing the government. It struck me once again how ironic it is that these people call themselves "conservative," while not trying to conserve anything at all. They're radicals, in fact.

The judiciary is sensibly standing in Trump's way and obstructing his ability to wreak wholesale destruction. Did you see the suggestion of Congressman Chip Roy of Texas for how to manage this problem? He says government should "defund" the "radical courts." Now, there's nothing conservative about suggesting that Congress starve an entire branch of the government, created under the Constitution specifically to act as a counterbalance to executive and congressional power. Not only is that, in fact, a radical proposal, it's blatantly unconstitutional and shows a lack of understanding of basic civics.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is taking a page from Trump by applying so much makeup and/or spray tan that he looks like he's suffering from hepatic illness, jumped on the bandwagon to suggest that Congress strip the federal courts of jurisdiction. How that would be possible I am not sure.

So, yeah. Nothing conservative about this government. I can't wait to see what happens when they try all this stuff and it gets to the Supreme Court. Will Alito and Thomas support stripping the courts of authority, eviscerating their own power? Inquiring minds want to know.

Just for fun, I thought you might like to see a close-up of the kitchen timer I showed in yesterday's post, hanging on the wall in my old T-Gard apartment. It's a bit grimy and discolored -- it used to be white with a yellow dial -- but it still works. Not only did I use it in the kitchen, but I timed my meditation periods with it when I was practicing Zen. (Maybe I should start doing that again? It might help lower my blood pressure after reading news about ignorant Texas congressmen and the toadying governor of my home state.)

I got the kitchen timer at the same place I got this egg slicer, which I've shown you before -- Scotty's Hardware, where I used to work part-time in the mid-'80s. They had a big warehouse sale to clear inventory and I got both the timer and the slicer there, for next to nothing. I bet I didn't even pay a dollar. A pretty good investment, I'd say, from this vantage point 40 years later!


  1. The car will be an unpleasant surprise for the owner. It doesn't look like the type of car to anything inside of value.

    While courts have put on some brakes on some extremes of #47's nonsense, nothing seems to really stop him.

    I love the timer and egg slicer. Clearly they were quality kitchen items.

  2. Well, I suppose if the judges oppose President/King/Emperor T he can just get rid of them. I am sure his friend Vlad has given him some tips on using pointed umbrellas and perfume bottles.
    I had exactly the same egg slicer and a very similar kitchen timer. Long gone now.

  3. "I worked like a dog yesterday..." You mean you barked to be let out into the sunshine so that you could doze on a big cushion before chasing a couple of cheeky squirrels?

    What is happening in America is horrendous. The axing of "Voice of America" seems especially vindictive - like the action of a mindless vandal - destroying something that was essentially so good, emitting light around the world.

  4. Thanks for the close-up of the timer. Those are the best ones. Hard to imagine that perfect pale yellow once being white. I had an egg slicer just like that. Don’t know what happened to it. I felt like a chef when I used it. But the last time it was used was more than 40 years ago (before I was born... cough cough).


  5. Given his history, DT has little regard for the law and court system. US courts are going after DT and his actions. The state of affairs is horrifying.

  6. Nowadays there are timers on everything from stoves to microwaves to coffee makes to fridges and phones!
    But I like the egg slicer.

  7. I have done the same thing, called and gave my dentist an out but like your experience, they have always told me to come on in. Still, I hate it when I can't breath through my nose during the cleaning.

    I consider myself conservative but have never identified with the Republicans and have never voted one into office. The first and only time I voted for a Republican candidate was John McCain and as we know, he lost. In my opinion, many of them have gone off the extreme side of their party, much like many in the Democratic party have gone to the extreme other side. But I have a better voting record with them having voted for Clinton twice, before the move to the far left and when conservation of our environment was a major platform of theirs. Since him though, with the exception of McCain, most of my votes have been "wasted" by voting third party.

    I still have a lot of faith in our court systems but time will tell I guess if faith remains.

  8. I would be afraid to go to the dentist with a cold because of sneezing in the middle of the exam - I'm a pretty vigorous sneezer - I could bite someone's finger off! Ha!

  9. I like your timer! (I need one -- can't hear the oven buzzer in the other room!) The dentist always finds something, don't they? Even if it doesn't need fixing quite then! Our country is in such a mess. And apart from revolution I don't see a good way out of it. Too many loonies and you're right -- nothing conservative about what is happening.

  10. I find it difficult not to rinse after teeth-cleaning - it feels all wrong!
    I hope the USA can right itself. At present, it looks as if it's capsizing. I'm so glad we didn't emigrate all those years ago.

  11. I have an egg slicer similar to that and use it all of the time.
    I thought that you must not have been thinking about your sweet Olga when you said you "worked like a dog" at the library. ;)

  12. Every morning when I read the news, I am always astonished with what comes out of the mouths of MAGAs. Wait...What? is what I usually say to myself as I am reading of the lunacy. It is depressing!

  13. The politicians and judges aren't what they say or think they are

  14. "Hackney Diamonds" is what those bits of broken glass are called, according to the Rolling Stones.
    Yes. I'd say you made a great purchase in those two items! I do remember Scotty's hardware.
    Just the very idea of people walking around giving each other nazi salutes makes me want to scream. What is wrong with these people?
    At least your dental appointment is over. So there's that. Isn't there fluoride mouthwash you can swish around before going to bed?

  15. I used to have one of those egg slicers. Long gone! I'm surprised the dentist didn't mind your cold, but oh well.

  16. Olga Girls Knows Who Did It As She Is Clearly On The Case

    Be Well Soon Brother ,

    P.S. Please Hide A Just Because Treat Outside For Olga Girl To Find

  17. I have one of those egg slicers. It's around here somewhere. That smashed car window is troubling.

  18. They’re just ignoring court rulings at this point and doing what they want. I think it might have broken my mind.

  19. Nehls and the rest of the MAGATs continuing to lose their s**t over every little thing that they don't like is pathetic. They're like a bunch of tantrum throwing toddlers.

  20. I still have my egg slicer like that! I've also been told not to rinse after brushing and have now gotten use to it. It actually makes sense. Trust me - the governor of your home state is no worse than my governor.

  21. I would worry about all the germs being breathed, sneezed, or coughed into the air by previous patients, if that's their policy. Employees are protected, but the next patient isn't. Per John Hopkins Medicine's website, measles (which is now spreading across the U.S.) is so infectious the virus can linger in the air for two hours after an infected person has left, and can infect an unimmunized person. It is one of the most infectious diseases there is, but other viruses can also linger from minutes to hours in the air (per NIH in the U.S.). Here we are encouraged to reschedule appointments when we're sick. I'm surprised that's not the approach everywhere. That being said, everybody's comfort level for exposure is different. And maybe the people sick enough to be coughing and sneezing are staying home anyhow because they're feeling miserable. This is not a comment on you for going; it's a comment on the dental practices for not having more stringent infection control measures in place for patients.

  22. I can't even bring myself to discuss the news today. It's just insanity. We've got SWAT teams and police guarding Tesla dealerships. I mean, it seems as if a multibillionaire could pay for his own security instead of taxpayers being on the hook for it. Where is DOGE when you need them?

  23. Some of the old kitchen stuff really does last much longer than expected doesn't it? I had the same egg slicer in white right up until last year when a couple of wires snapped. Now I just use a knife.
    American government these days is more like a nightmare inducing scary movie, than what the founding fathers set down.

  24. I like that old kitchen stuff! I had a giggle this morning when I tried to open a drawer and a potato masher got in the way. I can't remember the last time I mashed potatoes, since I don't even like them. I'm scared of people breaking my windows; they are such a hassle to replace. And it's rainy here!
