Friday, March 21, 2025


I've been so absorbed in the indignities pouring out of Washington, D.C. that I failed to take note of the Vernal Equinox, which was yesterday. It is now officially spring! Woo hoo! And it feels like it, too. The weather has suddenly gotten warmer and the sun seems brighter than ever.

I took that picture above on my walk to work yesterday morning. I wish our camellia looked like that, instead of being hideous. (Ours isn't blooming yet -- it usually blooms in April/May.)

A few days ago, walking on my street, I found a bunch of daffodils tucked into a garden waste bag. It looked like someone bought one of those £1 bunches at the grocery store and then discarded the ones that weren't yet blooming. They were just green stalks and the buds were so tight I thought they might not even survive to bloom, but I picked them up and took them to work and set them on a windowsill in some water. Yesterday they were all open, so I moved them to my desk. Spring joy in the library!

And yesterday when I got home from work, I opened all the windows and let the house air out, which felt amazing. The temperatures were almost balmy. Today we'll have a high of 63º F (17º C) and a low of 52º F (11º C). The icy hand of winter has relinquished its grasp, at least momentarily. I know the avocado is breathing a sigh of relief, or would if it had lungs.

This is the key to survival in these tough times, right? Take note of the little things. The everyday joys. They are all around us, especially at this time of year.


  1. It is the small things which matter and keep us happy, our camellia is still in bud.

    1. I guess there must be early and late camellia varieties?

  2. Daffodils are guaranteed to bring a little joy into your day. Sunshine in a vase.

    1. It's true. They are the most cheerful flower, especially after a long bleak winter.

  3. May the good little things grow into good big things. Amazing what three daffodils can do.

    1. Five, actually! It's just hard to tell from the picture. :)

  4. It may be Spring but this morning in New England I woke up to snow!
    Cheers Peter

  5. How odd to discard the budding ones. Unless they were a present to the garbageman..

  6. How sad, to throw away flowers that still have so much to offer. Many more people will enjoy them on your desk, though.

  7. "Take note of the little things" is wise advice in the struggle to stay relatively sane and happy.

  8. I love daffodils! And yes, with chaos swirling around us, it is important to notice the little things that bring us constancy and happiness. It is spring here too in central Virginia. Yesterday on my walk it was a balmy 66 degrees. I wore shorts!

    1. It's great to break out the warm-weather clothing, isn't it?

  9. I'm a little envious of your spring day on the first day of spring. Here it was in the low 30s and it snowed. It's Michigan (ask Dave!). And temps due to drop more over the weekend. It won't last and you grab the sun when you can! So glad you rescued those daffs! Recognizing little things and happiness is absolutely the only way we are going to survive the next few years over here! I'm a big fan of doing that every day!

    1. Ugh! Snow at this time of year is no fun at all!

  10. I think you're a Flower Whisperer!

    1. That's what my elementary school PE coach called me. LOL! (Actually, "Flower Man" is what he called me, because I paid more attention to dandelions in the outfield than that stupid ball.)

  11. My daffodils are trying to bloom. They were covered in snow on Wednesday but they are bouncing back and trying to lift their faces to the sun today. We will still have lots of chilly temps but at least it is getting warmer bit by bit. Enjoy your weekend, Steve!

    1. Our daffodils have been snowed on in past years and they bounce right back! They're made for that.

  12. I can't believe someone tossed those daffodils out. They are beautiful. They just need some time to catch up.
    I agree about all the "indignities". I totally went past St. Patrick's Day without noting it. There are too many outrageous distractions these days.

    1. Yeah, I didn't notice it either -- and I was in Dublin for it last year!

  13. Our temperatures are cooler at night than yours are right now! Crazy. But I like it. It is so beautiful.
    I wonder what the deal is with your camellias? I've never heard of a variety that does that. So weird. Meanwhile, thanks for showing us a little bit of your desk. I like seeing your world, with or without daffodils.

    1. I don't know. My theory is that the landlords (or whoever planted that bush) got it at a discount because it's definitely not a great variety.

  14. Spring fills us with hope for many things like the discarded blooms you found.

  15. Nice rescue. The daffodils are always cheerful, and they look great on your desk. Nothing is blooming in MA. The trees are in bud and the Spring bulbs are still sleeping beneath the ground.
    The soft pink flowering Camellia is a real beauty.

    1. It must be close to time for those buds to awaken, though! When do daffodils normally appear in your area? I think in New York they showed up in March or maybe April.

  16. There is certainly a lot to be down about which is why I try not to absorb myself to completely into politics these days. I try to focus on those things I have more control on.

  17. The avocado does have lungs only we call them leaves! My favorite part of spring and fall is being able to have the doors open to air out the house.

  18. We've had very warm days, but actually dipped below freezing last night. I hope that's the end of that! Your desk looks quite cheerful. Yes, it's the small things!

  19. Yes, paying attention to the small pleasures and beauties is important. It's my only solace in these dark days.

  20. I'm glad you saved the daoffodils. Finally we are cooling down in Australia, last night was actually cold at 12C, and days are soon to be below 30C.

    1. I guess for you the coming autumn will bring relief too, just as the coming spring is bringing us relief!
