Thursday, January 11, 2007

Greenwich Village, Sept. 2006

Hiya back...

We actually had snow yesterday! I was sitting at my desk at work at around 10 a.m. when I looked up and saw swirling sifts of white. I couldn't believe it! It was over by about 10:03, and none of it stuck, but still - winter had arrived. Then, within minutes, the sun came out, though temperatures have remained chilly. And this is just four days after our 72-degree record-breaker on Saturday. It all reminds me of that cryptic line in the folk song "Oh, Susanna," which I'm sure all of us learned in elementary school music class: "Sun so hot, I froze to death."

I went with my friend David last night to see Stephen Sondheim's "Company" on Broadway. Such a great show. I could totally identify with Bobby's matchmaking quandary. And the staging of this production was really great - a very minimalist set where, as in the recent production of "Sweeney Todd," the actors play all the instruments. (Where do they find people who can sing, act AND play the tuba?)

Had more fun spam yesterday: One e-mail allegedly about a "resplendent debutante," and another promising "stainless steel rats!" (Yeah, like we need those in New York.)

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