Sunday, January 7, 2007

W. 51st Street, October 2006

You can't really get a sense of the size of this big blank wall from this photo - it's about 12 stories tall. I liked the cityscape created by the shadow from nearby rooftops.

Yesterday was t-shirt weather here, if you can believe it. The high was 72 degrees. I was out walking in Central Park with my friend Rob, and it was beautiful, but also very weird. I had to keep reminding myself that it's early January, the deepest depth of winter! Supposedly this is the first year since 1878 that New York has gone this long without snow. The daffodils are coming up in the flower bed in front of my building.

I don't like it. Earth is confused.

On the bright side, my cold is much better. I feel pretty much normal, with just little twinges of sniffling. I even made it to the gym yesterday morning - a sure sign of recovery.

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