Monday, July 2, 2007

Kenmare Street, June 2007

On Saturday, I went to see “Evening,” a new movie with a roster of incredible actresses including Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Toni Collette, Claire Danes, Natasha Richardson and Vanessa Redgrave, with the hunky Patrick Wilson thrown in for good measure. It was an ambitious movie and it was more or less effective, but I couldn’t help thinking that it wasn’t as good as it should have been with that cast. I’m not sure what the weakness was.

Toni Collette is a personal favorite of mine and I make it a policy to see everything she does. As usual, she was one of the best things about this film. She’s great.

Then, on Sunday, I went to the Whitney Museum to see its exhibit “Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era.” I have always been infatuated with the ‘60s, which were just barely out of my reach - I lived through the latter half of the decade but I was too young to remember any of it. It’s fascinating to consider how profoundly the world changed between 1965 and 1970, in many exciting and traumatic ways.

Anyway, this was a great exhibit, with groovy psychedelic light shows, poster art, album covers, music and even tabs of LSD on display. I came home and immediately put on “The White Album” to preserve the mood!


  1. Oh I remember it well. The late 60's is when I came of age. I might have to get to NYC to see that exhibit before it closes. Wow.

    I love Toni Collette! As for that film, I'm not surprised it wasn't as good as it should be. Too many stars never adds up to a good movie. Don't know why!

  2. I so envy you having access to so much art.

    I will have to look for the movie. I used to believe that Meryl Streep was the Katherine Hepburn of my generation, but lately I don't know.

    Have a good day.

  3. Steve,

    I saw "the Hours" a bunch of times-- I am connecting this movie to "the Hours" --maybe I heard that they were written by the same guy?

    wow--I have to hit the whitney before that show closes!

    groovy pic.

  4. Hungry I vaguely recall was the name of a song by Paul revere and the Raiders. I guess they were hungry for love or a good time or adventure --i can't remember the lyrics .

  5. i wish i still had the curtains i had in the 60's.

    amongst other things.....

    yes, i love toni collette too, she's great.

  6. curtains were one of the best things about the 60s. i would love to have been in my youth in the 60s! and in 1850. and, and.....

    i felt the same about 'babel'. it wasn't as good as i thought it could be. toni collette is great. did you see 'little miss sunshine'?

  7. Well guess what I'm a big Toni Collette fan too. I also like Meryl Street, Glenn Close and Vanessa Redgrave. I'm sure I'd like the Whitney as well but I have this feeling I will never get to see it...

    Ms Soup

  8. Reya: You know, you're right. Maybe they all cancel each other out. Maybe all that talent and competitiveness creates ill harmony on the set. Who knows?

    Merle: I'm not sure she's Katharine Hepburn, but she is about the best actress we've got. She's having more fun these days, I think, but she's still terrific.

    Ched: I think Michael Cunningham was involved in the screenplay for this movie, though I'm not sure. I'm going to get that Paul Revere song from iTunes, if they have it!

    Lettuce: It's funny that of all the things to miss from the '60s, you pick curtains. They must have been SOME curtains!

    Pod: "Babel" was better than "Evening." I did LOVE "Little Miss Sunshine." But nothing will ever top "Muriel's Wedding."

    Soup: Why do you think you'll never see the Whitney? Though if you get to NYC, don't make the Whitney your first stop. Make that MoMA. It will blow your mind.

  9. I wanted to see this movie too. Michael Cunningham co-wrote the screenplay, and in my opinion was probably what you liked about the movie. I loved the Hours...I've never read a book so well crafted, except for Middlesex.

    Anyway, have a great week, can't wait to catch up on your blog when I'm back from vaca!
