Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sunnyside, Queens, July 2007

One of my favorite singer-songwriters, Suzanne Vega, just released a new CD, which I picked up Tuesday morning on my way to work. Predictably, when I walked into Virgin Records in Times Square and asked a clueless clerk where I could find the CD, she had no idea.

"What kind of music is that?" the clerk asked.

Fortyish adult music, I wanted to say. But I refrained.

I went and found Suzanne on my own. And I'm happy to say it's a great album, very New Yorky and romantic and nostalgic. It's called "Beauty and Crime." The New York Times had a great article about Suzanne on Sunday.

I met up last night with a couple of guys who I knew in college, now passing through New York. Haven't seen them in 20 years or so. We had a couple of beers and had a great time talking about our college crowd and the years since!


  1. "40ish adult music" hahahahanononooooo

    i recently started re-listening to suzanne vega whilst ripping CDs for my new iPod, i love her. Then a new retrospective came out - and now a new CD - fab!

  2. The decade of the 40's is truly sobering. For me at least it was the first time I could actuallly tell I was aging. I'll have to pick up the new Suzanne Vega - it sounds great even as 50ish adult music!

  3. I love this CD, it's really good.

  4. Thanks. Now I have "Tom's Diner" (one of the most addictive songs in history) stuck in my head. Luckily I like it.

  5. HAAAAAA! Old people music! Suzanne Vega-- I plan to pick it up tomorrow. My elderly friends and I were driving around listening to Joni Mitchell today. Then we looked at brochures for retirement communities. heh.

  6. i just got the new tracey thorn cd. it's great! i cannae stop listening to it
