Thursday, December 20, 2007

Surprise Guest Stars

Went to another concert last night with my friend Brian: The Teddy Thompson and Friends Christmas show, a benefit for Darfur.

You may remember I went to see Teddy with Brian a couple of months ago. Then the two of us went to see Suzanne Vega, and then Aimee Mann. Well, last night’s concert turned out to be a neat summary of those three earlier ones.

Not only did we see Teddy play, but Suzanne Vega showed up too! You could have knocked me over with a feather. She sang “Frank and Ava” and “Rosemary,” as well as a silky rendition of “Winter Wonderland.”

We also saw Ben Lee again, a promising singer who performed in Aimee’s show. (He even made the same jokes!)

But the undisputed star of the night - other than Teddy himself - was Rufus Wainwright. I’ve never entirely understood his appeal, other than his refreshing candor about being gay and embracing gay culture. But I’d also never seen him live - and let me tell you, he has quite a stage presence. He sang a French version of “O Holy Night” that really soared.

And now, my concert-going is done, at least for the next few weeks.

(Photo: Wall in the East Village, Dec. 2007)


  1. I often listen to my Rufus CD in the car, and Vega too... I never understood the appeal of Rufus' parents--but him I love to listen to. Go figure.

    I would have liked to hear them doing those carols.

  2. ben lee is ozzie, no? i find him immensely irritating! ha ha!

  3. Yes, Pod, he IS ozzie (aussie?). I guess I haven't seen enough of him to be irritated -- but he does repeat the same stage patter!
