Monday, July 7, 2008

Back to Normal

We wrapped up the family visit yesterday. I relaxed in the morning while they went on a Circle Line boat tour around Manhattan, and then we went to Central Park in the afternoon. We went to the zoo (which always makes me think of the Simon & Garfunkel song, “At the Zoo”) and watched the seals being fed and the red pandas snoozing in the trees. My nephew acted alternately interested and bored, like he’d seen it all before. For example, when I showed him an anteater, he said, “It’s just another animal.”

Ah, to be 10 again.

For dinner, we went to the Brasserie, where we were practically the only clients and we had an excellent meal. Then I packed them into a cab and walked home.

I had fun, but I’ll be glad to get back to my routine. I’m off to the gym this morning and then to work!

(Photo: Shadows in SoHo, June 2008)


  1. I love having visitors and I love it when they leave. It's a win-win situation, as long as they don't stay too long.

    Gorgeous photo! Have a wonderful, normal, uneventful week!

  2. Kids eh? Saw a girl of around ten in the jewellery shop looking at necklaces, glancing over at the cruxifices and saying to the shop assistant, "maybe i WILL have one of those with the little man on it...".Some may not find that amusing at all, but I've dined out on that story many times over the years.

  3. Back to normal is good. So glad that you and the family enjoyed the seals and the 'asias' at the zoo (that is a joke that you probably won't get but makes me laugh).

  4. When it's time, it's time.

  5. Gary: I read your blog, so I do get it! In fact, I thought of you when I saw them! :)

  6. Yeah, once they've spent a significant amount of time in school (by age 8 or 9) they begin to tell YOU stuff and do the bored/interested thing a lot. A little ten year old boy goes a long way. When Tut Tut was visiting, I was asked to pick up a friend's ten year old boy from day camp. When we arrived at the camp, he told us he was absolutely famished--simply starving to death--but only for sticky candy as it turned out. Only a kid can see candy as a complete meal.

  7. Pam's little man story is excellent--so cute.

  8. Ched, I can completely identify with the food story. My nephew would complain that he was full after a few bites of lunch -- but not so full that he didn't ask for ice cream a half hour later.

  9. ah, 10 year olds! although your nephew sounds a bit precocious - his attitude seems more like a teenager. but maybe 10 year olds are the new teenagers. I'm sure in spite of his occasional remarks he had a great time - it's so hard trying to figure out being 'cool'

    love the photo! such inviting play of light....

  10. Just a fine and fancy ramble to the zoo. I love that S&G song. Love it!

    I also love seeing the animals in zoos, but I inevitably feel so sorry for them not being in their native habitats.

  11. Did you go to the Brooklyn Zoo? I haven't been there since I was about 14! It's a great zoo. Glad to hear you can get back to normal - as much as we love them, it's still almost like vacation when they go. :-)

  12. gorgeous photo, Steve.

  13. I love the Central Park Zoo--they've really done a great job fixing it up over the years (I grew up within easy walking distance of the Prospect park Zoo--the park was our playground--just a block from our apartment) But Central Park --no comparison to Central Park-- did you take him to the boat pond?
    It's hard for a boy to stroll around with adults who are trying to entertain him, though you know?

  14. OMG I almost forgot--I took a kid to the Brooklyn Aquarium at Coney Island once and he was so critical of it! (and it's a fine aquarium and he had begged to go!--his parents were smart enough to let ME take him.) He was eleven at the time. Maybe the trick is to let them bring a friend their own age.
