Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth!

I went trolling through my archives to find some patriotic photos, and these were the best I could do. They're authentically American, at least!

My stepmother, stepsister and nephew are visiting this weekend. They're staying way down near Wall Street, so last night I took them over to the Fulton Fish Market and the South Street Seaport. My nephew, who's about 10, said he wanted seafood. So we walked around until we came to an Italian seafood restaurant -- and then my nephew ordered spaghetti marinara. Go figure.

We might try to see the fireworks tonight, but I'm not sure my relatives will want to brave the crowds. At the very least, we have a day of wandering ahead. It's great to have a day off!

Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

(Photos: Top, graffiti on East 15th Street, January 2008; Bottom, Sunnyside, Queens, July 2006.)


  1. Dennis says the Macy's Fireworks are always worth the crowds-- once they're there, they realize it.
    Have a great weekend whatever you do.

  2. Happy 4th Steve!

  3. Happy 4th! Good luck if you brave the fireworks down at the seaport. I did that twice and after the last crowd filled experience I have never had the nerve to repeat. I think twice in those situations may be my limit. I have only been in Times Square twice on New Year's Eve as well.

    Enjoy the family.

  4. I want you to be my tour guide in NYC. I like all kinds of food!

    Happy 4th of July with your family!

  5. excellent photo selection!
