Monday, October 27, 2008


Back from Boston, where I spent a great long weekend with my friend David. We walked around neighborhoods like Back Bay and Beacon Hill, explored Cambridge and Harvard University, and went to the Museum of Fine Arts. I've found another city where I could easily live!

Anyway, I'll write more tomorrow, but meanwhile, here are some photos of Boston Common.

As you can see, the fall colors were out, and the weather was beautiful and not at all cold.


  1. I love everything about Boston but the driving, which is a challenge for just about anyone. The Charles is so beautiful as it winds through the city. There are true ethnic neighborhoods, something we are missing in DC. It's a vibrant city, but just a little more relaxed than NYC. If it weren't for the dreary long winters, I could easily live in Boston. I'm so glad you were able to visit in the Fall when the foliage was so colorful.

  2. It does look like the weather was beautiful!

    I can't wait to visit Boston (briefly) in December. It'll be colder than I can handle, but I've never been and I've heard the city is fabulous.

  3. Ain't Boston grand? That's why I can't fathom ever moving back to the Midwest (Ohio) even though that's where my family is: Boston's too beautiful to leave. That's also why I regularly tease my J that I'm only dating him so I can spend my weekends in the greater Boston area. :-)

  4. Wow! Aniother world for us desert-dwellers.

  5. Boston is a GREAT city - though I haven't been there for years and years.

  6. boston is wonderful...especially this time of year! been way too long since I've been there in the autumn.

    glad it charmed you!

  7. Thanks for sharing the pictures and I'm glad you had a great weekend! The foilage of fall is indeed spectacular.

  8. When you visit Luis and me in Vancouver, BC, you can add another city to your list of places you could live. The city is gorgeous.
