Friday, October 24, 2008


I'm off to Boston this morning for a long weekend. So I'll post again on Monday. Meanwhile, I leave you with this photo of some street art in SoHo. I think it must have been sponsored by this store, because otherwise they surely would have removed it -- it's pretty great, isn't it? It's done with some kind of adhesive. I love the way it seems to float, suspended over the surface of the building.


  1. Wow! The artist has captured so well the effect that Barack Obama is having on this country -- always looking up and to the future. I am ever hopeful this man will have his place in the White House and we can actually experience the change he is bringing.

  2. It's beautiful!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Amazing, serene and hopeful. Have a great time.

  4. Happy travels. Love that image; it's very Reya Mellicker-esque.

  5. looking forward to pics. of Boston

  6. I thought this was taken as a reflection or through a glass. It really is pretty amazing.

    Have a good weekend. I'll see you on Tuesday.

  7. Took me a minute. Very cool.

    Yay! Reya's an adjective.

    ReyaMellikeresque=Something dissolving into something else by means of a photographic lens.

  8. way great. btown is a great city....had I known you were going I'd have encouraged you to visit the gargoyle shop on newbury and say howdy to the gargoyles within.....


  9. Oooh, very cool image.
    Hope you had a great trip!
