Sunday, June 21, 2009


Whew! What a weekend! Dave has a friend in town from Michigan, so we've been out on the town a bit.

We met up Friday at a bar in SoHo (I got out of work early, yay!) and had a few drinks. Apparently this bar, Onieals, is on the "Sex and the City" tour circuit, because a busload of women in little flowered summery dresses and sandals descended on the place while we were there and slurped up a raft of cosmopolitans. Kind of amusing to watch. (I don't know my "Sex and the City" lore, but the Onieals website explains the connection.)

We then resolved to have "cheap American food" for dinner, so what did we do? We went to Jean-Georges Vongerichten's restaurant in the Meatpacking District, Spice Market. Not particularly cheap, not American. What can I say -- we were being spontaneous! I had char-grilled chicken with kumquat lemongrass dressing -- you know how I feel about kumquats.

Yesterday we compensated for our extravagance by cooking at Dave's friend Stephanie's apartment. This was after Stephanie and the visiting friend, Kellee, spent FOUR HOURS and about $275 apiece getting their hair done at a salon. (I am SO GLAD I don't have hair! Gotta say, though, it looked great by the time they were through.)

I did get some quiet time yesterday -- I took a nap in the afternoon and went to the gym. This morning I may or may not do the Zendo. I need to clean the apartment, and this gray rainy weather doesn't make me want to go outside at all.

(Photo: A stray drink in a doorway on Thompson Street, SoHo.)


  1. How could the zendo possibly compete with so many interesting and tasty things to do?

    You seem incredibly happy these days despite the work situation.

    Women's hair has a high maintenance cost. I haven't broken the news to my bankroller that it costs me $235 every time I have it colored and it takes about 3 hours. Worth every penny! Fortunately it's only about twice a year because my color guy is so good.

  2. I'm still coughing over the $275 hair...whatever gets done to hair for that amount of money. Guess you don't push your glasses up on your head the minute you walk out of the hairdresser's.

    The food sounded glorious, the drink looks like somebody didn't care much for either Campari or grenadine syrup and your weekend sounds like a whole lot of fun.

    (the grey and the grenadine color work really well together.)

  3. Nice photo. Would happily down a Cosmopolitan right now (and preferably in Manhattan.) However, I'm in London and have just put the kettle on to make tea.
    Happy Sunday!

  4. Life is good, Steve. BTW I love your boyfriend! Looking forward to meeting him seomtime.

    One of my secret dreams is to come to NYC to get my hair done, at great expense, by the guy who does hair on What Not to Wear. (Even though my hair is fine just as it is ...)

  5. It seems as though you had a good mix of social time and Steve time. So, when do I get to meet the boyfriend and go for drinks with you again. It has been ages.
