Monday, June 15, 2009

Too Much Food!

Whew! A busy weekend, consisting mainly of cooking with Dave. He made mussels, seared fish and vegetables on Saturday, and seared scallops over an arugula/blueberry/lychee salad last night, as well as poached eggs over toasted slabs of good bread with a tomato and vegetable sauce. (Dave would probably shudder at how I’m describing these meals, since I’m sure those are not the appropriate gourmet terms for what we ate!)

At any rate, I now have a refrigerator full of leftovers and spare ingredients, and I feel like I weigh about ten pounds more. I think I need to eat peanut butter toast for one or two nights! But I can take my lunch to work, at least.

I’m lucky to have a talented boyfriend.

I went to the Zendo yesterday morning and then went walking in SoHo, which has always been a real hotbed of street art. I was surprised to find that a lot of the most popular spots, however, have been painted over or cleaned. It looks like SoHo is doing some sprucing up and the artists have fewer places to go, which is a shame. Now the neighborhood runs the risk of becoming, even more, a big mall.

This morning is gray and rainy. It’s wonderful to lie in bed and listen to the whisper on the leaves outside.

(Photo: Pines at sunset, Land O' Lakes, Fla.)


  1. You are so funny as you discover your way in a gourmet world! Dave sounds like a fabulous cook, even if your descriptions are not totally accurate. I find myself drooling every time I read about yet another dinner with chef Dave.

    You probably haven't gained an ounce and isn't it great to have classy leftovers to take for lunch?

  2. And what a talent! Wow!!

    So glad you have such a great boyfriend, and that you can say that here on the blog. Congrats and Bravo and xx oo.

  3. It all sounded good to me ... even the peanut butter toast. Have a good week! xoxo.

  4. You can never have too much food! :) And the morning sounds lovely--I would much rather listen to rain on the leaves than sit at this desk at work!

  5. breaking news, Steve: people who enjoy cooking enjoy cooking a lot. People who enjoy cooking a lot enjoy it even more when they're cooking for people they love. Methinks you will have to get used to it...

    'tis a tough life, my friend. Mussels, scallops, arugula, toasted slabs of good bread. Hardship.

    Gorgeous photo. Enjoy the peanut butter break because, come next weekend... :-)

  6. Ha -- I'm not really complaining, Mum, believe me! :)

  7. have a boyfriend? When did this happen? I feel so out of the loop.

    (It's always good to have a BF who can cook.)

  8. No more Pecan Sandies washed down with chocolate milk out of happy-face tumblers!

  9. I'm with Gary on this one---congrats on the BF and enjoy...It's about time, and hopefully, your descriptions will improve!

  10. what a gorgeous photo

    and the food sounds fabulous.

    I'm v. happy for you and your stomach
