Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Change of Plans

I came into town early yesterday for my job interview, got myself
cleaned up and was just putting on my suit when I got a call from the
interviewer. Seems he forgot Monday was a holiday when he scheduled
our meeting, and he wasn't in the office! So we rescheduled for today.
Minor inconvenience at most.

I spent yesterday walking around Harlem and the East Village taking
photos. Had a great time, and wore out my walking legs after spending
so many hours reclining in the burbs!

Finished my David Sedaris book. Hilarious! I kept looking for bits to
excerpt here, but it's hard to get the full effect from just a few
lines out of context!

(Photo: Artificial palm tree on Third Avenue, several weeks ago.)


  1. I hope the interview actually happened today and went well! I wonder if they would have put you up for the night if you hadn't had a place to stay?

  2. Good luck with the interview.

    An artificial palm in NYC? Too bad it isn't covered in artifical snow!

  3. Does Sedaris have a new book in print? I LOVE him.

  4. Good luck with your interview.

  5. i'd love to see NYC in the snow - a great photo.
