Thursday, February 25, 2010


Just as I was waxing poetic (or not so poetic) about the arrival of spring-like weather, we're getting slammed by another winter storm. This one is supposed to sit on top of us into tomorrow, dumping up to 16 inches of snow on parts of central New Jersey. It's been dubbed a "snowicane."

It's snowing outside as I type, but so far it's more like slush on the ground -- a big winter Slurpee. I was enjoying the melting snow, and I'm sorry to see the struggling grass covered up again. I'm going to get to the gym this morning so I can go running, thereby forestalling cabin fever over the next few days.

Dave is only working a half-day today, and we bought stuff to make chicken chili tonight. That should last us through tomorrow, when presumably we should be able to go shopping again. I don't think we'll have to follow in the footsteps of the Donner Party, despite the apocalyptic nature of storm coverage on the news. (Watch out, Ernie and Ruby!)

Though my cocktail of choice will always be a gin and tonic, I've been experimenting with mojitos lately. Dave had about a third of a jug of clear Bacardi rum kicking around, and part of my tendency toward neatness is to figure out ways to use things up. So I found some bottles of mojito mix at the liquor store for 99 cents apiece. I will never be a big fan of rum, but they're not bad drinks. Maybe I'll pour some of those this evening as we cook and watch the snow! I'll pretend I'm in the Caribbean!

(Photo: Some daffodils we bought at Shop-Rite, blooming on our windowsill.)


  1. I really hopes this storm skips us. We've had our quota of snow.

    Mojitos and chicken chili sound like an excellent recipe for a snowicane!

    I can just hear you singing "Lemon tree, very pretty..." as you cook and the snow continues to fall.

  2. have fun on your imaginary caribbean vacation!!

  3. Great gobs of snow are falling in Brooklyn and I'm stopping by your blog for a visit.

    I like your flowers. They went out of my budget when I got the news about my job.

    When the rain melted the snow in my front yard on Tuesday, snowbells with tight white blossoms could be seen along with green leaves of emerging crocuses. Ahhh. Spring. Now, of course, they have disappeared again.

    Rum drinks are perhaps best in the Caribbean, where the rum can cost less than the mixer. Rum punch in the sunshine can seduce you into bringing a couple of bottles of rum home, where they sit and sit.

    I'm heading out to the gym soon to de-stress. Should have gone earlier. I dislike weather that makes you wear one pair of footgear and carry another for your detination.

    I walked around Gowanus the other day and thought of you. A lot of material there.

  4. turn up the heat, dress in summer clothes, and enjoy!

  5. I wish we had school tomorrow...we need the rehearsal...but I love being home with you!

    (I know, over-the-top and mushy!)
