Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

I didn't stay in the city today after all. Dave is off work today so I decided to spend the day with him instead. I'll go into the city Wednesday, maybe, and do some photography.

I spent yesterday afternoon at our town's Memorial Day Observance, which I wrote about for my news blog. Small town news, once again!

Our sushi dinner last night was great -- and we found a guy doing an amazing sand painting in Union Square.

(Photo: Memorial Day decorations)


  1. I hope it's not as hot and muggy there as it is here. Enjoy your day with Dave!

    The sand painting is totally amazing. It's a real artist who puts this much effort into something that is ultimately going to be swept into a trash bin.

  2. Nice story. We often forget their are faces behind the news from the wars.

  3. Enjoy the day with Dave. I am so grateful to have a day off simply to avoid my horrific commute. NJ Transit has been lousy lately, more so than usual, which is saying something. Only 20 more days until summer vacation.

    I hope you both can come out this way for a visit.

  4. I love your photo that breaks my heart. I will read back and catch up. Love to you and yours. I am putting a show together of my photography for the June art festival in historic uptown. Your words of encouragement for my work have always been so appreciated. I also have a piece in a show at our Redlin Art Museum. xoxo.

  5. Happy Memorial Day. I worked all day which was fine. It's hot as hell here - almost 10 pm and still 86 degrees.

    I hate summer. Love you, though.
