Thursday, May 6, 2010


I spent yesterday walking around the city shooting lots of street art and graffiti. I was on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side in the morning, and then after lunch with my friend David I schlepped out to Brooklyn and walked for a few hours there. I found TONS of stuff, and the weather was spectacular. The only drawback was the intense allergy attack I suffered after several hours outside. My body hit pollen overload!

I also took care of some business, closing my accounts at the credit union of my former employer. The staff half-heartedly told me I could keep my money there and bank by mail, but surely even they must realize how inconvenient that would be.

Last night's co-op board meeting went smoothly, and I am SO HAPPY to now be finished with my board service. I have such a sense of freedom, not having to worry about the building's budgets or repairs or management. It was a great learning experience, and I was happy to do it, but after five (or six?) years I was definitely ready to step down.

Meanwhile, we did lower the price on my apartment. So if you know anyone who's looking for a studio in Manhattan, send 'em my way!

(Photo: Underdog on a truck on Madison Avenue.)


  1. The apartment looks clean and inviting. I think spring is the right time to sell real estate. I hope someone snaps it up.

  2. I'm sure you will sell right away. I'm always shocked by the monthly maintenance fees for a building like yours, but then, I'm a tightwad.

  3. Sorry about the allergy attack. The grass has gone to seed here so it is truly ugly outside. Last night I actually saw flecks of grass seed flying around. Ah-chooooo!!

    Envisioning your apartment selling as soon as possible! Hope you get to put your feet up and enjoy the weekend.
