Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth Report

In our continuing campaign to terrorize the dogs, we piled them into the car and took them to our friend Adam's house for a barbecue yesterday. (We went to Adam's last year too, sans dogs. It's becoming our tradition!) Adam lives in suburban Pennsylvania, and by evening his neighborhood was popping and crackling with all sorts of fireworks. We were sitting out on the patio with Ernie and Ruby, and when a particularly bright, loud shell went off, Ernie dove under a chair. We promptly took them inside.

Between this and our previous day's adventures, the dogs are eventually going to refuse to go anywhere with us!

To add to Ruby's stress levels, she goes to the vet today for a test to determine whether or not she has Cushing's Disease. Her swollen belly hasn't subsided, and in fact it seems a bit larger. The vet thinks Cushing's may be the answer -- and depending on its origins it can be treated in a variety of ways. We'll see!

(Photo: Chelsea, June 15)


  1. Dogs and Reya hate the 4th of July. But it's over now.

    Poor Ruby.

    Sending you love.

  2. Jake was terrorized by the sounds of the 4th of July. We made the mistake of leaving him inside alone when we went out for a few minutes. He was so nervous he just couldn't contain himself (or his pee or poop).

    Good luck to Ruby tomorrow. At least there are treatment options if indeed that's what she has.

  3. I have a pot-belly too...I'm gonna say it's Cushings from now on! :-)
