Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tarpon Springs

Continuing our Florida odyssey, Dave, my family and I drove over to Tarpon Springs yesterday to have lunch. Tarpon Springs was settled largely by Greeks who came generations ago to dive for natural sponges. The sponge-fishing industry is a relic of the past now, but the town still thrives on its Greek pedigree. The main strip along the water, Dodecanese Boulevard, is lined with little souvenir shops selling standard Florida fare like lacquered gator heads and shell-covered jewelry boxes, along with pseudo-Mediterranean items like olive oil soap and beaded sandals. There's a Hellas restaurant, a Mykonos restaurant and a Santorini restaurant, as well as a statue devoted to the sponge-dovers of old. And nearby, some random political graffiti.

We'd planned to go to a restaurant on the water called Rusty Bellies (like the belly of a ship, I suppose?) but it was closed on Mondays. So we wound up at Paul's Shrimp House, where my brother ate something like a pound and a half of steamed shrimp.

I've driven Dave around my hometown, showing him my elementary school that's slated for demolition (it's still there) and my high school. Dave cooked dinner for my mom last night, and he plans to do the same for my dad and stepmother tonight. The way to my parents' hearts is through their stomachs!


  1. sponge driving in florida - i had no idea!

    now i have a yen for greek food!

    those alligator heads are too weird

    they must have run out of money to demolish the school - or maybe they are rethinking and will convert the building into something else

    i'm sure dave would win your folks hearts even if wasn't slaving away over a hot stove!!

  2. Dave can impress me with his culinary skills any old time. You need to make sure he sees alligator wrestling before leaving The Sunshine State. (Maybe that's only further south.)

    I wonder if the price of shrimp has gone up there because of the oil mess. There is nothing better than fresh-caught steamed shrimp. I can still taste the cocktail sauce my mother used to make.

  3. well MY Tarpon Springs post needs a rewrite now!

    I can eat 10 pounds of steamed shrimp. "Sea bugs" are yummy.

    The way to your parents hearts is through Dave being a nice guy. The ability to cook is just a bonus!
