Thursday, August 5, 2010

Art History

My old film photographs show that I've long had a tendency to take pictures of light and shadow. It's fun to look back at old shots like these and see that my eye was at work even then.

The photo above I took in the tiny town of Madison, Fla., when my friend Suzanne and I drove there in 1986 or '87. Those chairs were on the front porch of a nursing home. I had a framed copy of this photo on my wall for years.

When I lived in my first Tampa apartment in college, I ate off a metal tray table. Here it is, with my Walk-Man and two stray pieces of corn. (1985)

I eventually moved to a much better apartment near Tampa Bay, where my kitchen floor was covered with these black and white tiles. The evening sun threw shadows of my houseplants across the floor and, in this case, my shoes. (1991)

In high school, I was proud of my colorful collection of polo shirts. (1984)

My grandmother had an assortment of colorful glassware on shelves in her living room window. Here's some of it. My brother now has the red vase and the two blue pieces -- I'm not sure what happened to the clear ones. (1983)

I took this photo of a grain elevator while driving through Alberta, in the prairie town of Claresholm, if I remember right. (1990)


  1. Every one of these is a gem to be framed! You have had a good eye for a long time.

  2. what fun, thanks for bringing us along on the tour

  3. Really nice job with the grain elevator shot, Steve ... you have an eye for that sort of thing. Clearly, you need to come out and do another western photographic roadtrip. :)

  4. These pictures are exquisite! Love the shoes on the tile floor. Yes, your eye was at work even then. Very cool!

  5. I love the way your eye orders and reframes the world around you.
