Saturday, August 7, 2010

Purple Cup Series

Going through more old photos, I came across this fun series from December 1986. I had a light purple mug that I loved at the time, and one day I noticed that it almost precisely matched a groovy old '70s bedsheet that belonged to my family. (This is the kind of thing that excites a design-conscious 20-year-old experimenting with photography.)

I took the mug and sheet to my mom's house, where I had room to work in the front yard. I spread out the sheet in different ways, and played with perspective, light and texture.

This series is actually much larger, but these are the only prints I saved. I think I used an entire roll of film on the cup and sheet. I still have the negatives somewhere. I no longer have the cup or the sheet. (Which is too bad, because I totally dig that groovy sheet.)


  1. Love this! The purple cup series, eh? Is that like the world cup? Very cool.

  2. I like the purple cup a lot. What ever happened to it? Don't you wonder if it's gracing someone's kitchen table with a tea bag in it right about now?

    I love all your archival adventures. Do you ever go back to negatives from that long ago? I have envelopes full of them, but I never bother to look for anything.

  3. Barbara: I went through my negatives several years ago and even had some photos reprinted -- ones that had aged or discolored badly, or that I'd lost. It's pretty fun to rediscover old images that you've forgotten!

  4. Love the groovy sheet, too. Purple is my favourite colour :)

  5. Dennis says all one needs is a bed and a mug. ( to hold tasty snacks and drinks)

  6. love the new-old pictures you've been posting. this series is especially great. it really is a shame you don't have that awesome sheet anymore!
