Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quieter Days

Dave is off to Norfolk today through Sunday, working on a regional band gathering -- or something like that. So it's just me and the dogs for the next few days. My quiet days just got quieter! Fortunately I've always liked my alone time, so it's not a problem for me -- and it's a chance to go back to vegetarian stir-frys and pasta for a while.

I solved our dog treat problem! Background: Milk Bones, which our dogs know and love, are apparently not available in the U.K. So we've been buying Tesco dog treats -- dried, flat strips of pulverized chicken that look like a small ruler. Ernie, unfortunately, doesn't like them. So yesterday I found a package of 40 tiny pork cocktail sausages, also from Tesco, for £1.98, and both dogs love them. They really seem like treats, too -- something out of the ordinary that the dogs will appreciate.

I went to see Tilda Swinton's new movie, "We Need to Talk About Kevin," yesterday. It was profoundly disturbing, full of dark bloody images and despair. I've seen plenty of movies about troubled children, but this seemed so real. I felt like I was living the mother's hell right alongside her. Good movie, but I never want to see it again.

(Photo: Sunset in Ladbroke Grove.)


  1. I love the photo...your street? I like Tilda's work but several of her films have very dark elements to them.

  2. Now that you have all that time on your hands, you can make your own dog treats. The recipe is actually quite simple and it makes a lot of treats. Let me know if you want to try it and I will send you the recipe!

    I have a hard time watching bloody movies.
