Monday, October 10, 2011

Rooster Express

There's apparently an unwritten rule of marketing that says when you open a fast-food chicken restaurant in London, you must give it a red and white sign. Blue accents are permitted.

I love the names -- although my brother recently found a place in Tennessee called "Chicken Blast." (Which, incidentally, illustrates that the red-sign rule does not apply in the American South.) I can't top that one yet.

This place (below) might be going a bit overboard on the blue. Call the poultry police! (I couldn't get my own photo because a construction barrier was in the way -- thanks, Google Streetview!)

Of course, I think we all know who set the standard for red-and-white signage.


  1. I love the things you notice! Of course now I will be checking out the chicken signs in NYC.

  2. i'll start snapping cleveland chicken joints and see if there is any discernible theme...with the exception of kfc, i seem to think (no facts) our chicken joints favor yellow.... i'll have to get back to you on this however!!

  3. p.s. my last letter verification was whyng - phonetically wing!!

  4. Is red and white somehow synonymous with clogged arteries? :) Color carries with it so much information in our culture. It would indeed be difficult to be blind or even color-blind. Stop signs are red and white too!

  5. Gary: New York actually has quite a few KFC knockoffs. There are several "Kennedy Fried Chicken" outlets in the Bronx and Brooklyn, and if I remember correctly they had some copyright battles with KFC.

    Kim: Wing! Love it!

    Barbara: I have a feeling this has more to do with ripping off KFC and less to do with any serious consideration for grabbing consumer attention with color. But I could be wrong!
