Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Portrait

I really wanted us to take a Christmas portrait with the dogs, so I set the old self-timer. Here's the result! I'm blocking the tree, but oh well.

Last night, Dave and I watched the episode of the Graham Norton Show that we attended live earlier this week. We're visible only at the very beginning, when Graham opens the show in the audience -- we're in the row behind him, and then the camera sweeps past. And that's the last you see of us! Remember, it's on at 10 p.m. tonight in the U.S. on BBC America!

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!


  1. I love the portrait! Old dogs are so easy to pose with. They just lie there! :-)

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  2. love the family portrait! happy christmas to you all..

  3. Lovely...Merry Christmas to you all, and a wonderful 2012 too.

  4. You all look so relaxed and happy. I think life overseas is having a good effect on you. The dogs don't look like they are anywhere near ready to check out.

    Happy holidays to the four of you!

  5. its a great photo - self timers always make people smile! Graham Norton show eh? cool beans. happy christmas to you both - thanks for visiting Monkeys on the Roof!

  6. Thanks for the wishes!

    Y'all are a very handsome family. Thank you for the 'card' here.

    Happy Christmas! xx

  7. Sweet Pic!

    Merry Christmas to you both. I will be looking for you on the show.


  8. A great picture. Belated Christmas greetings and all the best for 2012.

    I know what a trick it is to get TWO dogs looking at the camera and then adding two humans.

  9. Hi, I am a new reader, from the other side of the pond. I follow Gary's blog, Follow Your Bliss, and occasionally look for other blogs to read, via comments made on blogs I follow. Sounds creepier than it is. Maybe I have to look up the definition of stalker before I make that claim. :P

    Anyway, long story short, I adore your stories. I LOVE the Graham Norton Show. I am SOOOO envious, because not only did I not get to go and you did but, I AM a huge Doctor Who fan. I was watching last night. I wish I would have found your blog sooner so I could have looked for you. Maybe on the reruns.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan
