Sunday, December 18, 2011


Remember how I said we weren't getting a Christmas tree?

Well, never mind.

I wasn't entirely happy with my earlier attempts at decorating for the holidays. Somehow a spray of piney boughs on our windowsill just looked a little pathetic.

Yesterday as I was walking through the Portobello Road market, on my way to drop off our cleaning and pick up a few things from Tesco, I passed the usual Christmas tree vendors. I decided I would just ask how much a small tree costs.

It turned out to be only £25, which I thought was pretty reasonable. (Considering it's Portobello Road, I'm sure there are cheaper trees to be had elsewhere, but as I said that didn't seem so bad.) So I bought one, brought it home, stripped my earlier decoration of its lights, ornaments and ribbons and added them to the tree. Voila!

Now we just need to go buy some presents! Apparently Dave and I are both procrastinating in that department this year. We've bought a few things, but they're "experiential" gifts so they don't come in a box -- leaving us with a rather bare-looking tree.

As you can see, the dogs are oblivious. I think even Wabi and Sabi are paying more attention to the tree than Ernie and Ruby are!


  1. Those dogs look happy, and you're in no danger of one of them bringing that tree down. Enjoy!

  2. It's a wonderful feeling, bringing the forest indoors during solstice. I didn't get a tree because the image came into my mind of me decorating it alone - and probably doing shots at the same time.

    I have a very nice wreath instead.

    Looks very cozy!


  3. It won't be long now until we are waiting for Santa's sleigh-bells. Nothing says proscrastination like wrapping gifts and decorating (now blogging). I suppose I had better get back to grading papers.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. I love it! Very cute & festive. We don't have presents under our tree either - we always wait to wrap them at my dad's house because after 21 years of marriage & travelling for Christmas we figured out that UNwrapped gifts are way easier to transport!

  5. I love your little tree. Maybe you can just wrap up some empty boxes to make it look like we all think Christmas trees are supposed to look! I've always equated fancy gift-wrapping to making a gourmet meal. After about 10 minutes, there is not much evidence of all the work.

  6. 25 quid for a little tree sounds like a lot to me! Of course I am living in my own world of 1970...
