Sunday, August 19, 2012

Arachnopet, Larger Now

Here is our arachnopet, the spider that lives on our balcony. It's older and larger now, about the size of a nickel including its legs. According to what I can tell from various web pages, it appears to be an Araneus diadematus, a common type of orb weaver known in England, rather unimaginatively, as a Garden Spider.

You may recall this spider first showed up a couple of months ago, when it was tiny. I've been watching it grow -- at least, I assume it's the same one. On days it appears it always has a web ready by morning, and it usually stays in the web until midday or until the web is destroyed by the wind (or me, inadvertently). Then the spider may disappear for a few days or a week. I suppose it takes a shady vacation in our boxwood shrubs.

Not as exciting as a fox, I know, but I enjoy my wildlife wherever and however I can.

It's been downright sultry here in London the last few days -- 85 degrees with 50 percent humidity. I took a photography walk through Kensington on Friday and it verged on unpleasant. But I really can't complain, the climate here is so gentle overall -- nothing like the extremes I felt living in New York or Florida.

My new job is cranking up. I went to an orientation meeting on Friday and picked up all my equipment and some paperwork, and yesterday I worked on familiarizing myself with the system. I'll be back at school this week for various introductory activities. And I'm already assigning substitute teachers! That's how you learn, I suppose -- just dive right in.


  1. Well, I can't say I LOVE it, but the photo of the spider is wild.

    And good for you on the new job preparation -- good luck with it all!

  2. Spiders - YUCK

    It's good that you're kind to this guy, though.

    Mazel tov on your job! x

  3. what a great portrait of your balcony 'pet'....based on how big it is getting it looks as if s/he is doing a good job eating pesky bugs!

    speaking of jobs, enjoy the new job!!

  4. I love to watch my spiders grow. It has been a spidery summer here in North Florida. I am constantly walking into webs. Some are so gossamer-like that they fall apart on me and some are so strong I literally bounce off of them.
    I hope you come to really enjoy your job.

  5. See? He/she came back from wherever he/she was visiting for the past few days. Cool shot. I love my resident spider. I guess many people find them "icky" but neither you nor I don't.

  6. Ever since reading Charlotte's Web, I have been exceptionally nice to spiders. I am convinced they do more good than harm. I admire the fact that they always seem to recreate their webs when they are destroyed. I realize I must have missed out on the post about your new job. I'm sure it will feel good to have a regular source of income and responsibility once again.

  7. I do like spiders, I don't even mind if they crawl on my arm...a little. They are so interesting and beautiful-your spider is gorgeous. Such a great photo of her/him. I had a spider living in the corner of our ceiling. his name was Jimmy. He died after about two years...maybe it was Jimmy and Jimmy Jr...not sure.He had plenty of flies to eat because at the time we had a dead rat under the stairs and didn't know it but the flies did... that gives me the willies!

  8. Sadly, we're not spider friendly around here - not really on purpose, but when both of us freak out it usually doesn't end well :)

    I'll be interested to hear "tales of the job" as it progresses.

  9. I just realized - I'm a Bug! Of course I'm not spider friendly. Ha!
