Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Trellick Graffiti

I went back to Trellick Tower on Friday to shoot some graffiti. I hadn't been in several weeks, what with all our recent visitors, and of course the whole scene had changed. Among the amazing new pieces was this exploding owl by Nychos.

I also liked this nearby piece by Vans, depicting various London landmarks. You can see the O2 Arena, the Gherkin, the Eye, Tower Bridge and what looks like One Canada Square at Canary Wharf.

Wisher, meanwhile, took the cheesecake approach -- and he wasn't the only one! There were lots of other great pieces too. I can't post them all here but they're on Flickr.

I originally went hoping I'd find some Olympics-themed graffiti. The closest I came was this:

Not exactly what I had in mind, but a valid point of view nonetheless!


  1. I love street art. some pretty good ones in your folder. there's a building or two in my owl city neighborhood that gives the walls over to street artists. they paint over about three times a year to keep it fresh.

  2. I think I originally gravitated toward your blog because of your extraordinary eye for graffiti, and here we go!

    My favorite here, of course, is that last Olympic "reflection."

  3. WOW the exploding owl is amazing! Loving the art on the streets in London- Very cool! The only part I like about the Olympics is the opening and THAT was awesome entertainment!

  4. What an intricate owl! Wow. Awesome work. I would never have noticed the London landmarks ... duh!

  5. That rocks, as the kids around here would say...I wonder what inspired that last comment re: the olympics?
