Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Joe Strummer, and Other Miscellanea

-- Some famous people get roads named after them, some bridges, some imposing public buildings. Joe Strummer, the late guitarist for The Clash, gets a grotty pedestrian tunnel under Edgware Road. Seems like a backhanded compliment.

-- I've finally made my latest photo book public, and you can preview it (and/or buy, if you're so inclined) by clicking on the cover in the widget at right. (Expand the preview to full screen for maximum effect.) You'll only see the first 15 pages, but it's enough to give you a sense of what it looks like. I'm really happy with it.

-- Do you remember a 1980 TV movie adaptation of "Condominium," John D. MacDonald's terrific Florida potboiler? It starred Dan Haggerty and Barbara Eden, among others. I loved this movie as a kid. It is, after all, representative of my favorite genre of films -- the '70s disaster movie! Anyway, I hadn't seen it since the early '80s, but I recently found someone who provided me with a copy on DVD, and I had a great time watching it yesterday.

-- Our friend David left for Paris yesterday morning on the Eurostar. He'll be back again for one night at the beginning of December on his way back home to New Jersey.

-- And finally, Dave and I are off to Belgium today for a long weekend. To Londoners, going to Belgium is a bit anticlimactic, kind of like going to Indiana from Chicago (to use Dave's analogy). But we're looking forward to it. I've been through Belgium but I haven't spent any time there. We're going to Leuven, the hometown of Stella Artois. I imagine beer will be consumed.


  1. I totally remember that movie! How hilarious that you got to see it again. I look forward to ordering your book --

  2. Belgium always sounds a bit magical to me. Perhaps it is the idea of lace.
    Anyway, have a wonderful time.

  3. Are you driving or flying? Belgium is a beautiful little country with great food! (and chocolates!)

    In thinking of you and your love of disaster movies, I am going to record "The Poseidon Adventure" that's airing on Thanksgiving Day.

    Your book looks like it came out beautifully! Bravo!

  4. Have a great weekend. All our family are coming out here.

  5. Belgium is cool. Have a wonderful time.

    The Joe Strummer tunnel? That is so right!

  6. Elizabeth: It was hilarious!

    Ms Moon: And don't forget chocolate!

    Lynne: We took the train here but we're driving now. Unfortunately this is partly a work trip for Dave so our time is not our own. We'll be doing some exploring, though!

    Ellen: Have a great holiday!

    Reya: It IS appropriate somehow, isn't it? It would seem weird to name a big fancy building after a punk musician.
